Monday, August 23, 2010

15.5, 15.5, 25

I ended up taking Adam to the doctor this afternoon after all. The pedatrician said he was fighting the cold well, no ear infection and that we should keep doing what we're doing...

I've been freaked out that Adam's head is getting flat because he had such limited movement with the harness on... Not that it stopped him from rolling from his back to his side and stomach every second he can get now that it's off. But she said his head wasn't flat from the harness wear... Just that we should try to get him to look left more often because she can tell he prefers to look right.

So here's where he ranks, since we were there:

15.5 weeks. 15.5 pounds. 25 inches.

Laughing, smiling and extremely engaging all the time = advanced 4 month old behavior. I said, "well, he is 3 1/2 months..." She said no - he's still really advanced in that dept. (he's not shy - he smiled at every woman and child from the parking lot to the elevator to the dr office).

Rolling over consistently from back to side= 4 to 5 month old behavior

His tricks with a pacifier (pulling out, throwing, reaching for it and sticking in his mouth) = 6 month behavior. He demonstrated some of his moves and even threw his pacifier at her. Soon I will post his adorable "hold-paci-in-the-side-of-his-mouth-and-flash-coy-smile-routine". Flirt.

So according to our pediatrician, he's "amazing," "impressive," and "advanced" for his age.

I knew it. But I'm biased.

So after the appointment we came home and I gave him a bath and put on a new outfit because I couldn't resist.

YES, I realize it's 116 degrees outside. YES, I know that the football season hasn't started yet... But it's really sad that I'm worried that my 3 1/2 month old will soon grow out of his 6-9 month old clothes. I think this one, as cute as it is, was just poorly made though.

No more pictures, please.
In the picture to the right he is rolling over from his back to his side. Anyone who has an iphone knows that while it is great to constantly have camera in your pocket, they aren't spectacular at catching babies in motion. So I was lucky with these two. We played a game where he would roll towards me and land on his back, smile, and roll away from me. I would say, "hey, get back here!" and he would flip himself back over really quick to look at me, smile, and start the game over again. It happened 4 or 5 times . . . I would swear he's too young to understand me but it happened too consistently to be a coincidence. It was kinda like peek-a-boo.

Last night, he was making a duck face - I will post a picture of it if I can catch him doing it. I was laughing at him and he would stop and laugh too, and I would say, "do it again!" Wouldn't you know, he would do the face again, wait for me to laugh, then laugh too. I know it sounds ridiculous, but if it hadn't happened 4 or 5 times in a row and if I didn't have Shannon as a witness, I would think I had just made it up in my head. Of course he's a genius. DUH.

1 comment:

Delia said...

Ha! We did the same thing. That's why Cooper wears long sleeve t-shirts with shorts. They were too cute not to have him wear.