Monday, January 17, 2011

How Far We've Come.

It's hard to believe that just 5 months ago we were putting Adam to bed in a raised crib. When you put him on the floor to play, he'd be in the same spot when you came back. He ate only breastmilk or formula and was just starting to try cereal. He didn't try move when you changed his diaper, didn't cry when we put him to bed, didn't mind just sitting around talking to mom and dad for hours...

Now we are wrestling Adam into his clothes before he squirms off. We take advantage of those moments when he sits still for a diaper change. When you open the door to his room in the morning, he's usually standing there in his crib, peeking over the side. He's so anxious to be doing something now that he CAN do something, that he fusses more now than he did when he was a newborn. And he's eating fruits, vegetables, meats, soft table food, formula, cereal, and everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, that he can get his hands on goes directly in his mouth. He was eating almost 5 ounces of formula/breastmilk 5 months ago, and now he can chug an 8 ounce bottle of formula and sometimes look for more. He has scooted a book or two in my direction and sat still in my lap to listen to me read it to him. He is pushing away things he doesn't want and sometimes pointing to the things he does.

He smiles at everything, at almost everybody. His laugh goes backwards, like a high-pitched, funny gasp for air. He leans his head back, opens his mouth wide in a big grin, and wrinkles his nose. It's like the beginning of a knee-slapping kind of laugh, like he just experienced the funniest thing EVER. It's hard to be sad or stressed in the company of a baby who 20 times a day sees the funniest thing he's ever seen in his entire life.

This weekend he made this happier-than-ever face at my dad every time he looked at him. And when Adam sat in his lap, my dad rubbed the back of his ears with his palms and Adam leaned his head back, went sleepy-eyed and sat very still. I think he had Adam sedated for about 3 minutes before Adam was off to his next project, and it's easy to tell when he's got something new and fun on his mind. He pauses, looks at me, smiles VERY big as if he just thought of the greatest plan, squeals, and takes off crawling as fast as his possibly can, doing his funny little backwards laugh. Sometimes he goes so fast his arms can't keep up and he ends up almost rolling over, face first. This speedy little burst of happiness occurs most often when he realizes the laundry room door is open, because he knows he shouldn't go in there and wants to race me to the door. He's fast, so it's usually a photo finish. Sometimes he wins.

This is also a nightly occurrence at the house when Shannon comes home from work. Adam has started to realize that when he hears the garage door open, Dad will come through that laundry room door shortly afterward. The second he hears the garage door, he crawls as fast as he can to wait by the laundry room door (which leads to the garage), and waits (next to Caley) for Dad to walk in. I'm sure Shannon loves the daily welcoming committee.

Adam prefers to do things on his own. He is happiest when he's figured something out, or gets to pick up something you "left" on the coffee table or within his grasp (my cell phone). He loves people and prefers a face-to-face conversation over any toy that he has. In fact he would socialize all day if it was possible.

In the 36 weeks and 5 days since he was born, it is amazing to think of how far he has come and how far  he will still go. He will someday walk, truly understand what I'm saying, talk to me, play with toys, know his colors, animals, numbers, the alphabet, feed himself, sleep in a "real" bed, be potty-trained, tie his shoes, go to school, learn to read . . . and so many other things that I didn't realize could possibly be "firsts." And I'm sure all of those new things will go by just as quickly as the last 8 and a half months have.

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