Friday, February 18, 2011

41 Weeks Old

I'm starting to lose track of the weeks but I am determined to count to 52. Adam has now been out of the womb the same amount of time he was in it.

I'm working from home today because when I picked up Adam from daycare last night, they made me sign a piece of paper saying that I understand that he needs to be kept home from daycare for one day because apparently the whole class had diarrhea that afternoon... Okay, so you're telling the whole infant class to stay home?

I asked if he was feeling bad and she avoided the question by talking about which babies had it. I asked if it was some kind of stomach bug and she said, "I don't know but he needs to stay home tomorrow." I do realize that they have policies and have to abide by laws and all that . . . but there is a part of me that wonders if she just had her fill of changing dirty diapers all afternoon and started filling out forms. He did pass out in the car the second I had him strapped in and was out for the rest of the night. It was pretty obviously that something was going on.

But between the RSV, the bad weather, and being forced to stay home, I'm not quite sure why we're paying for the month of February. Oh well.

He feels like a million bucks today, so hopefully whatever it was has passed. I can't really complain; it's nice to be able to stay home with him when he's actually feeling pretty good. We took a little walk this afternoon in the nice weather.

Adam has finally decided that he's too big for the bottles and only wants sippy cups. I've been wondering if this would happen naturally or if he would need us to force him into it. He's timed this transition perfectly, as we've decided to begin our spring cleaning, which will include putting away all the newborn baby stuff that Adam has outgrown. Wish us luck with the cleaning - I'm worried that by the time we're done it won't be spring anymore.

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