Friday, August 31, 2012

Oh, What a House!

The title of this post is Adam's favorite Dr. Seuss quote from One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish: "Oh What a bed! Oh, what a house!" (His second favorite in that book" "I do not like this one so well, all he does is yell, yell, yell!" Then Adam says, "YELL! YELL! YELL!")

As August comes to an end and I look forward to one more month at home before returning to work, I look back at all that we accomplished in the month of August.
- All three babies were sick with, count 'em: THREE different colds/viruses.
- One ER visit (to two different ERs).
- One two-day Hospital Stay
- 6 doctor appointments
- A visit Uncle Chris and his puppy Eddie
- A couple visits from Papa and Shane
- LOTS of visits from Mamie and The Grand Pe Pa, who are (so far) our willing on-call babysitters.

And somehow, in addition to all of this, we managed to paint the living room, the dining room (repurposed into a playroom), the entry way and the hallway. We printed pictures of the kids for art work and Shannon hung it. Shannon also replaced the chandelier and the entry way light fixture. In the middle of the project, I had several people ask me if I was crazy, and I always replied: "yes." Looking back, the only way I believe this was accomplished is due to Mamie and Grandpa giving up many, many free weekends.

Adam ADORES the picture of him with the twins over the fireplace. Everyone who comes over gets a grand tour of all the pictures of him and his brother and sister.
The new wall color is a sort of sea salt blue. The old color was a beige/tan that looked pink from the reflection of the terra cotta tile floors. It has driven me crazy since we moved in 3 years ago, and I'm glad it's gone.

The new light fixture in the entry way.

The new chandelier (the glass is not actually as yellow as it appears in the picture - it's more antique brown.)

We've fallen in love with gallery wraps.

New pictures in the family room.
In addition to all of this, on a day to day basis we have found lots of time to bond. Adam has a tough time going to school now because he has such a great time hanging out with Colin and Claire at home. He has also spent the last week or so perfecting his bedtime delay techniques (glass of water? Rub my feet? Rub my back? iPad? One more book? One more book? One more book?)
During Claire's tummy time, Adam joined her and said she wanted to be under a towel with him. So we got a towel.

He has an obsession with towels... kinda like Ford Prefect in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 
"If you're going to survive out there, you've really got to know where your towel is."

He loves posing for the camera.

Colin does NOT like being on the floor.

Daddy and Claire (Eventually I will have pictures of me with them.)
And finally, yesterday I squeezed in a little project for headbands I saw on Pinterest. I think it turned out really cute...

After about two hours of being in the cute little frilly dress, Claire started fussing. I thought she was hungry so I changed her before I was going to feed her, and she was suddenly content when she had on her comfy clothes. THAT'S MY GIRL!

Does it hurt to be so cute, Claire?

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