Friday, November 2, 2012

See the Treat?

 This is the story of Adam's 3rd Halloween....

Claire's 1st Halloween....

And Colin's 1st Halloween...

I'll start at the beginning, which consisted of me bringing the kids home from daycare, with Adam all excited from his Halloween party at school and refusing "real food" for dinner.

"Adam, would you like a banana? Or maybe you'd like a grilled cheese for dinner?"

Adam whines, "NOOOO! CANDY! Wahhh haaa haaa."

Claire then chirps out what I swear sounds like, "Candy!"

I give Adam a lunchable and a banana anyway, and ignore him. Then I enhanced Claire's tigress costume with little whiskers, at the suggestion of Aunt Ra Ra.


Claire without the Paci.
During our little "photo shoot," Adam comes back with a happier disposition and I'm trying to take pictures of Claire while she's on her tummy. But the ears keep flapping over...

And Adam and I are giggling so hard that it makes her giggle, which is tough to do when you're just learning to hold your head up...
 But we finally nailed it.

By the time we had reached this pose, my little tigress was exhausted and fell asleep.

Now let's move on to Colin. After Claire fell asleep, Adam begged for his monkey costume so I put it on him and went to wake up Colin from his nap to get him dressed. What I failed to understand though, was what I thought was Colin's "nap" was really Colin's "bedtime."
Notice that the dinosaur costume is half on him.
Colin cried until Dad fed him, and then passed out again. We got the hint. No trick or treating for Colin, which meant that it made no sense to try to convince Claire either, who was also asleep in her costume.

This was Colin's Halloween:

So Adam fueled up with a Blueberry NutraGrain bar, and we set out to trick or treat.

Adam is well equipped for Trick or Treating because he is social and observant anyway. The only struggle we have come across in the last two years is trying to teach him that when they open the door, you don't walk into their house to visit.

After the first house, I realized that Adam's limp is going to make it difficult for us to get very far. Adam had gotten a leg cramp at school that day (we think he is growing as he seems to be constantly aching in his legs and feet). So I basically carried him, with his big bulky sweaty costume on, up and down two streets. It's a good thing he didn't know that we could have gone farther because I wouldn't have made it.

At one house, she asked what candy he'd like and he picked the Kit Kat, which I told him would make Daddy proud.

We got to the last house, and instead of saying thank you, he noticed that the guy had put TWO lollipops in his pumpkin basket and said, "SUCKERS?!"

He then tilted his head back and yelled as loud as he possibly could: "YAY SUCKERS!!" (He said this as he was holding onto a sucker that he had opened just 4 houses before.) I figured that was a good way to end the night so we went home to check out his candy.
It's too bad he doesn't like chocolate.

Today Adam kept asking me if we could go "see the treat"... and it took me a very long time to realize that he was asking to go trick or treating again. He was extremely upset when he found out that wasn't possible.

To see Adam's 2nd Halloween: Professional Trick or Treater.

Adam's first Halloween was probably even less eventful than Colin and Claire's but here he was in his costume (does it look familiar?)

Next Halloween with a 3 1/2 year old and two 16 month olds should be very eventful.

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