Monday, August 4, 2014

Hair Cuts

This is actually from over a month ago. There is no before/after, really... just documenting the experience.

This was Claire's first real haircut other than getting a little bang trim. She was nervous and not much was cut off. The boys LOVE getting haircuts... Colin always has, but Adam is enjoying it more with age (he just doesn't like the trimmer much. Mostly he enjoys the lollipops.

We go see Ms. Ranae at Cool Cuts for Kids. Adam used to call her Ms. Snip Snip (I have no idea).

One down-side to being tall for your age is that you start to outgrow the fun kid stuff before you really want to.

Most of her haircut was done while she tried to jump out of the car.

Helping clean up the hairs.

Seriously, he LOVES getting his hair cut.

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