Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Day In the Life of A Ham Photoshoot

These kids. This was part of our Adam is 5/graduating preschool, and Colin and Claire are turning 3 photoshoot. It was raining and they were excited to do it. Can't keep us inside during a 3 month monsoon. Every soccer game this season has been close to rained out, for me, and there are floods all over the state. The lakes are actually full for once, and I have to admit... I love the rain. Lots of people are feeling cagey. I say, keep it coming. Doesn't stop us one bit. Except, let's keep everyone and their houses safe. Fortunately we've just been wet and a little puddly in our area... so far.
No seriously, the giggles are just way too much...
Too many giggles for me to count...

Colin marches to the beat of his own drum. (Adam tried to put his arm around him. It was a negative, ghost-rider).

 And I'm going to start a photography series called "THESE TWO."

Apparently Adam can rap and Claire can do the running man.

They need their own reality show.
Colin looks rejected, but we all asked him to dance. He likes to dance solo.
But he can appreciate a good time.
Okay guys, I'm out of here.

Pure insanity radiates off this girl.

#1: The sign says candy and craziness... surely it meant us.
#2: Don't park right in front of the candy store when trying to do a photoshoot.
#3: Yes, Claire is doing a pull up to see better.

Colin: "I'm going to need someone who really knows how to drive this thing."

Claire:"This poor horse has been attached to his metal device."
Colin: "Somebody call Elsa, see if she can thaw his heart."
 I'd like to say our life is like this all the time, but we have our fair share of fights, tantrums, pouting, feelings hurt and refusal to wear clothing and eat food. They just have smiles that wipe that all away when we go out together and be ourselves.

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