Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sweet Quotes Since September

I realized this week that I now have 3 who have been out of diapers for at least 2 months. And I mean, completely out of diapers, not even at night. Claire one day up and just put all of her pacifiers in the mailbox to ship to "babies who need them," and when Colin found one today, she grabbed it and marched straight out to the mailbox to ship that one as well. No regrets.

I also realized that I'm often using Facebook a lot to document my favorite quotes and sweet/cute moments, when really it just gets lost in internet world and I am completely in fear of forgetting these sweet moments.

Like, Adam's favorite game to play is spelling bee. His favorite word is "otherwise." Claire and Colin love to play "Dog," (Colin is Dog), or Baby and Mama (Claire is Mama). They play this every day and I often find myself turning to answer to "Mama" for the 90th time per day and Colin does not mean me. He usually waves me off and finds Claire, or Claire pops up behind me and says, "No, he means me."

It's. So. Confusing. But adorable.

Claire likes to use all the words, and she knows tons. She and Colin both love the word "Actually," (ax-u-aweee) but a little bit less than they all like the word "butt."

So here are some of my favorite funny quotes and videos from September to today.
"Claire, can I call you 'Sweet Pea'?"

She nods.

"Can I call you... Princess Sugar Face?"

She nods.

"Can I call you... Majestica the Brilliant??"

Her whole face lit up. "YES! THAT. IS. FUNNY."
"Adam, were you good at school today?"


"Why not?"

"I just can't keep it up. I'm blown out."

"You're... You're burned out?"
"Yes. I'm burned out. I just can't do it anymore."
"You're a month into Kindergarten and you're burned out already?? You know you have 12 more years of this, right?"
"Yes... I just can't keep it up."

5 minutes later he was doing double digit math on the iPad and asking me to quiz him on spelling.

Talking to Boys Makes No Sense, Exhibit A:

Me: "When we get to the baseball field we can have our snacks."

Adam: "but what if you ACCIDENTALLY throw my snack up on the roof and I can't get it."

Me: "Why would I do that? I have pretty good control over where I throw stuff."

Colin: "Like when you throw bunnies?"

Me: "WHAT?? Why would I throw bunnies?"

Colin: "No, no... We don't throw bunnies. Bunnies can HOP."

Adam: "What if a rock hits me on the head and I die and ants come and eat me up so I'm just a skeleton and everyone is afraid of me??"

Me: "......."

Claire: "Mommy, is that funny?"
Adam and I were racing after t-ball practice. He tripped and skinned his knees and hands, but popped back up, limped a little and then picked up the pace so he would win. When he got in the car he was in full on panic mode from the burns on his hands after we rinsed them with water. I tried to distract him.

"Do you want some more water?"

"Uhhh... Do you see that airplane?"
"My hands are BURNING!!"

"Do you want goldfish?"
"Noooooo... I JUST want to SIT here and PANIC!!"
On Colin and Claire with soccer:

About Baseball:

On Shannon and I's 7th wedding anniversary (7 years after getting married in my parents' backyard under the crepe myrtle tree, he reported to me that the twins "got married" under the crepe myrtle in our backyard while Adam officiated. After rings were exchanged, Adam shook the tree to make white petals fall down on their heads.
Claire and the Alphabet:

How you know there's nothing good on the radio:

Your five year old yells for you to stop when you get to the classical station and his three year old brother asks you to turn it up loud when he hears Brahm's Hungarian Dance No 6.

Adam: "I think Daddy is done learning Spanish in Las Vegas."

Me: "Does Las Vegas sound like a place you'd go to learn Spanish?"

Adam: "Yeah, but he's about done."

Claire: Daddy is out of town?"

Me: "yes, he's in Las Vegas."

Claire: "what's Las Vegas?"

Me: "It's a city in Nevada."

Claire: "What's Nevada?"

Me: "It's a state."

Claire: "what's a state?"

Me: "it's an area inside the United States of North America."

Claire: "Ohhhhhh! North America! There's also South America, Euro, Asia, Africa, Australia, BUT DON'T FORGET ANTARCTICA!" (Giggles proudly)

All three chime in together: "These are the seven continents of our world!"

When I was three I'm sure I was excited to know what the color purple was.
I wasn't expecting to buy school pictures, but he nailed it...


Feelings overload.


"Claire, you're so smart and talented. I wish I was just like you."

Claire: "You're just going to have to grow a little bit taller, Gorgeous!"


Pumpkin patching with cousins....


The first thing Claire said to me when I picked her up today was, "Mommy, I really like your face."


Shannon: "I really love what you guys have done to this backyard."
Claire: "Thank you!"
Me: "Daddy's going to teach you guys sarcasm at a very young age."
Claire: "TODAY???"
Me: "Seems like he's doing it right now."

She doesn't have far to go.
Claire: "What show are we going to watch?"
Me: "We aren't going to watch a show, we're going to clean the house."
Claire: "Oh." She went to go check to see if the TV was on.

She came back. "Mommy, I was wrong, so that means that you must be right."

Me: "OH CLAIRE! NO one has EVER said that to me before!!"

I bent down to give her a hug and she licked my face.

However, last night she proved to me that she has mastered sarcasm when she told me, "Man, it's a really good thing you didn't bring me a jacket, Mommy."

Nailed it.

No, go ahead Colin, entertainment does count as part of the chores.



Yes, that was my 3 year old son making a massive scene during your pleasant shopping experience. He was allowed one chance to walk outside the cart, and he blew it by running away through the clothes, giggling and running amok and refusing to come back. He was expressing his utmost remorse for his poor decision, while being strapped in the cart. LOUDLY.


Adam: "Mommy, I want you to have three rings." (Meaning one more in addition to my engagement ring and wedding band.)

Me: "Why is that?"
Adam: "Because I want to marry you."

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