Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Adam's Favorite Things at 33 Weeks Old

Adam is 33 weeks old today. Here are some of his favorite things:

Favorite Color: RED

Favorite Song: The Theme Song to Little Einsteins
(Man, does he love this song. He can be completely engrossed in playing, hear this song, and turn immediately to the TV. I've even seen him come crawling out of the kitchen to watch the opening song)

Favorite TV Show: Wheel of Fortune

Favorite Toy: His Leap Frog Musical Table

Favorite Commercial: iPad (Maybe we watch too much TV). Whenever this commercial comes on he has to watch. HAS to watch. It's the music he likes.
Favorite things to do:
1. Smile at everyone
2. Pull Dad's glasses off
3. Stand Up
4. Cruise

Favorite Foods: Meatloaf and Blueberry Yogurt

Favorite Drink: Ice Water out of a "Big Person" cup, preferably a red cup.

Favorite Pet: It's a toss up. Caley because he can do whatever he wants to her. Eli (or Ah-Ah) because he thinks Eli is funny.

(Gus gets left out because Gus does NOT want to be touched by Adam, but at the same time, Gus is the first to go running for me when Adam cries . . . then Gus meows, and bites my wrists and my calves, and looks at me very seriously. His eyes say, "fix it. Adam's sad. But don't let him touch me.")

Favorite item to sleep with: His Pillow. (Newly Discovered: He's had it 3 days and consistently puts his head on it throughout the night.)

Most Talented: Picture Taking. He sees the red flash before the picture snaps or the beep when the camera turns on, and he turns to the camera and smiles.

Adam also likes to help me decide . . . "Green or Yellow?" "Do you think Daddy would like this Dallas Cowboys Santa hat?" "Which toy for your cousin?" "Which outfit do you want to wear?" "Do you want Carrots or Green Beans?" ... He smiles like he's so pleased you asked his opinion, looks at each object for a while, and reaches for one.

He also loves when you show him pictures of himself on the digital camera.
But Adam doesn't like everything . . .

- Sitting Still
- Being in the car seat for a long time
- Wind
- His shoes
- Being bored
- Wiping his nose
- Taking a nap
- Sleeping through the night (I'm not sure if it's truly a "dislike," but after 7 1/2 months, it's certainly starting to feel intentional!)

*Note on the sleeping-through-the-night thing: We do try to let him cry it out. Last night at 1 o'clock am I let him cry for 20 minutes . . . I thought he was going to go back to sleep, too. I watched him in the video monitor as he made it back to his pillow, had his eyes closed, and was whimpering softly. Then I guess he remembered that he was STARVING, so just before he fell back asleep he picked up his entire body, threw himself down and screamed like he was saying, "seriously, I am NOT kidding!" When I gave in and fed him he chugged 7 ounces and went right back to sleep, which he usually does.

We've also tried over-feeding him during the day to get enough calories in him before bedtime, which is a big FAIL. And we've talked to our pediatrician who says that he is a big kid with a high metabolism, so there might not be much we can do until he levels out. The lack of sleep didn't really bother us until 7 months. At 7 months, you start to feel it.

But I guess if you're going to have just one flaw (like his mom, ha ha), it's forgiveable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this post! Bailey already has his fav toy (cant wait till she can use it).
He will sleep- one day. Bailey was doing great for about 2 weeks but recently started waking every 3 hours to eat again. boo!
-Lisa (I couldn't remember my password)