Friday, February 4, 2011

Cabin Fever

Adam and I are not cut out for being snowed in for 4 days in a row. Last night we got 5" of snow, which is on top of the ice that was already there. I actually went outside for the first time in 3 days, and it's eerily quiet. Like we've been abandoned. I guess that's what cabin fever starts out like. They say we might be let free tomorrow afternoon (as in, it might get to 39 degrees by noon).

Wish me luck trying to keep Adam entertained for another full day. He had his fill of being inside by Tuesday evening and I've been struggling to improvise ever since. I don't blame him for being bored. He tried to participate in all of my conference calls yesterday. Today he wants to sit in my lap and type my emails.

He has learned the word "mom" and says it frequently, but it's like a chant, and I think he thinks it means: "Run and fetch." When he's bored, hungry, upset, wants ANYTHING, he says "mom mom mom moma," while wearing his upset face. I've heard it very often in the past two days. That's not what "mom" means! (Well, maybe it is.)

Here are some pictures from this morning.

View from the Backyard

Cedar Tree in Back

The firepit?

Back of the house - check out Eli between the cooler and the firepit.

view from the front of the house

view from the front porch, looking down the street

the street (I'm standing in the street)

The Front of Our House

Adam standing at the front door

We're not going out, right? RIGHT?

Can I help you work?

it's all white!

it looks cold...

when will it be summer?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Aww! I am jealous! I wish we had all that pretty snow! I bet it gets old though!