Wednesday, August 31, 2011


After being sick, Adam's appetite declined drastically and I was tetering back and forth between the "just a phase" mentality and "true concern." While he had been eating fine at daycare, his desire for breakfast and dinner where almost non-existent. Then on Monday I made "spaghetti" with mini penne instead of spaghetti noodles, and he ate (instead of drank) his dinner. He avoided the peas and danced around the chunks of meat and went straight for the pasta, but that was fine.

So when I reheated leftovers for dinner last night, I didn't have my hopes up too high for a clean plate when I set huge helpings down in front of him... but he devoured the entire meal, peas, meat, and all, and then scarfed down a whole cup of pears immediately after.

I had to forgo the never-ending pursuit of table manners in order to keep the peace and allow him to eat his dinner at his leisure. I would hate to squash Adam's free spirit and because I've truly just gotten tired of saying "no" when it's not a life-or-death situation, I decided that there are sometimes way more important things than table manners... especially when it's just me and him at the dinner table anyway, and he happened to get his irresistible urge to put his feet on the table from me (genetics are crazy things).

This face makes me laugh.

So... Lesson Learned 15: Pick your battles. Even if it means you have to eat dinner next to two huge baby feet.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I so needed this! He is great and you are totally right about the whole free spirit thing! (a parent at my school said this to another teacher this week) She said those exact words- she was worried she was going to squash his free spirit! :)