Monday, September 5, 2011

Be Warned: I Found My Camera Cord

There are times when I am truly shocked at how overwhelming and sometimes irrational "Mom Guilt" can be. For example, I actually felt guilty for not taking "enough" pictures of Adam lately. Well, I found my camera cord. It was wrapped tightly around the base of the computer chair (the one Adam enjoys spinning). And when I downloaded all of the photos into an album I call "August," I saw that on top of the iPhone pictures that I have been posting, I have 140 pictures that I haven't yet shared. Thanks a lot, Mom Guilt. You tricked me.

So here are the good ones of us just hanging around the house during the month of August (cause everyone knows it has been miserable outside)....

Adam hates having to have breathing treatments, but he likes holding the dragon mask to his face... as long as the machine isn't turned on.

Adam's new Cowboy's jumper...

The Houdini of shoe removal.
They're on...

One off...

 Being silly.

It amazes me how quickly Adam learns. He found my iPhone, decided it needed to be charged, found the charger and plugged it in. Then he played "telephone" for a while.

Being SUPER Silly...

Adam got a tool box toy from the Bryant's for his birthday and he loves to play "tools" with Dad...

Happy face.

Our little couch monkey. I hadn't realized they were a specie. Don't call National Geographic though.

He just can't wait to be tall.

His favorite outdoor toy: the dog's water bucket.

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