Monday, September 5, 2011

Free Friday

Most days I wake up, get Adam ready for school, and for about 15 seconds before we leave for the day, I think, "If only I could stay with him today, we would..."

Wouldn't you know, that when I take off a Friday to have an Adam and Erin "free day," I wake up completely stumped about what to do. Literally the only thingl I could think of was the grocery store. Woo hoo. Luckily, the day unfolded into something a little more exciting than that...

Since I couldn't think of anything else, we got dressed, got in the car and left for the exciting grocery store. The Rosemeade Recreation Center was on the way, so I pulled over and we "toured" the facility, then went to the park on the property. It was HOT, of course, and poor Adam was dripping with sweat and red faced pretty quickly, so we didn't stay long. But he slid down the slide once, played with the many features, and even got on a swing for the first time. I don't know why it surprised me, but his first time on the swing he knew how to pump his legs to go faster.

After the park, we did end up going to the grocery store, and then stopped by McDonald's for lunch. I thought about going in and letting him play in the playground area, but it was nearing nap time and didn't want to chance it. So we went home and Adam had his very first happy meal. He wasn't all that impressed with the food (I mean, it is just McDonald's afterall), but he liked the box it came in and the toy he got.

After McDonald's, we decided to post pone the nap and go down to visit Dad at his office. It took a while for Adam to warm up, but he said "hi" to Maria and ran through the cubicle hallways with glee, then played with all the "toys" in Dad's office. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures.

When we got home Adam and I both took a 3 hour nap, and when we woke up, Shannon came home, and then shortly after, Shannon's Dad (Ted aka Papa) came into town and we went to dinner. Adam typically behaves very well in restaurants, and the place we went (Angelina's Don Francisco's Mexican Restaurant in the Colony) was pretty loud, Adam's schedule had been off all day, and he simply had no interest in sitting down to eat. At one point I took him into the bathroom and we looked in the mirror and I asked, "Is Adam being good or bad?" I had no expectations that that would work - I said it more because I had no idea what to do... but when we got back to the table he sat and ate half a quesadilla and "talked" to the family at the table behind us for a while. So maybe he did understand me.

That evening he played with Papa and tried to push his bedtime back two hours... and pretty much succeeded. He was determined that he did not need to go to bed, and that he definitely needed to play more. But at 10:15, whether he was ready or not, he went to bed.

The next day Shannon had to go to San Antonio for a Fantasy Football draft, but Ted, Adam and I continued the fun on Saturday.

1 comment:

Elissa said...

Yay for Happy Meals. I know not to give them Happy Meals all of the time, but EVERY kids needs a Happy Meal every once in a while! :-)