Friday, February 1, 2013

Picture Book of January

I am so behind on everything. So this is just a picture book:

 They love these Baby Mum-Mum rice crackers. They flip out when I pull out the package.

 Playing cars with Dad on Adam's new race track

 One day Claire decided to do this...

While Colin was perfectly content doing this...

And then a few days later, he tried it... and was pretty good at it too. There's no leaving Colin "behind" anywhere.

 Mastering the art of sitting up was lots of fun...


And while Claire steals Colin's toys, Colin steals Claire's paci... when she's looking at it, behind her back, and out of her mouth. While she was exercising, she lost track of it, and Colin snatched it up. She turned back to look for it, and found it... the look on her face is classic.

Sick with the flu but still pretty cheerful
The paci's days are numbered...
 Fun days lounging with no clothes.

Aren't Brothers Great?
Twin conversations...

Colin is ornery.

 Playing with big brother...

 Hanging with Dad... in his underwear.

Yesterday, they took a bath all together at the same time... for the first time.
It's a good thing Claire was genetically engineered to have two brothers

Give me that duck.
"This is my pink duck!" (Colin and Adam are very interested in Claire's story about her pink duck).

You have now been filled in on the month of January.

1 comment:

Alison said...

That first pic of Claire sitting up with the sun on her is gorgeous! Love seeing new pics of the kiddos!