Monday, February 11, 2013

Soaking in the Sink

The whole house is sick with what the doctors say is "croup," but this is the worst we've seen and I'm not fully convinced that there's not something worse underneath that cough that causes your chest to hurt and the babies to labor to breathe. There are three times before that I've been completely overwhelmed by an illness in our kids (and believe me we have seen a lot of little colds, flus, and breathing ailments in our house. Here are those times, in chronological order: 1) When Adam was 8 months old and had RSV, 2) When Adam was 1 and had walking pneumonia, 3) When Adam was almost 2 and a half and was recovering from his tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, and 4) The time when everyone in the house got this croup.

I leave off Colin's RSV and hospitalization when he was 9 weeks old (3 weeks adjusted), because it came on fast and they treated it so well. He was so little that all he needed was cuddling and the hospital took care of everything else. I also leave off the 8 day flu that Adam got 3 weeks ago, although that one is in the running for the top 5.

So to give the babies a chance to soak with some vapor bath, I used the sink. Claire did not like it when the water was running because she couldn't see it and got scared, but once I turned her around she was fearless. The both loved splashing in the sink.

Here is some video of Claire having a blast making a mess of splashing. Ignore the annoying mom in the background talking.

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