Friday, March 8, 2013

The Twins are 9 Months Old

Today Colin and Claire are 9 months old. They are still pretty symmetrical as far as height and weight go, and still just as opposite as ever.

Colin is 19 lbs 15 oz, 27 3/4 inches tall, and solidly in the 25-50th percentile for both height and weight. Which isn't too shabby considering he was a month and a half early. When I do an internet calculation, it says that at his adjusted age (7 and a half months) he would be in the 50th to 75th percentile.

Colin is considered two months ahead in his speech development because he is waving hi, saying hi, and saying a range of syllables and mimicking people very well. He's doing that adorable wave where he waves at himself instead of turning his hand to wave at others, although he's started to figure it out. He's right on target for motor development even though he's extremely frustrated that he isn't crawling yet like Claire is. He practices constantly and is beyond determined.

This week we did a trial day at a different daycare and I was told, "you know, your son is a bit of a charmer." I translate this to: "Your baby boy is a huge flirt." I didn't tell her that he already has several girlfriends and has quite a few of my friends very jealous about his flirtatious ways.

This week Colin sat up on his own and was very proud, and we celebrated... so now he does it constantly.

Claire is 19 lbs 14 oz, and 28 inches tall. She's near the 75th percentile for height and the 50th percentile for weight. If I do a calculation at her adjusted age, she's at the 75th percentile for weight and between 90-95th percentile for height. Goodness.

Claire is considered two months ahead in her motor development because she is crawling (fast), pulling up to standing and starting to show interest in walking along furniture. When our pediatrician laid Claire down to examine her, Claire sat up. She didn't roll over and push herself up, she did a full sit up. Our pediatrician said... "Wow, that's tough. Babies just don't do that. Incredible." She is also starting to wave hi and does some pretty good singing and dancing (well, bouncing. Claire LOVES to bounce).

At the trial day at daycare, I was told: "Claire is very hard to keep up with!" It's true. She doesn't like to sit still unless she's gone so fast that she passes out, and even then... if she can help it, she wants to be in her bed. We had to lower her crib mattress this week because she was standing up in her crib already. With Colin sitting and starting to pull up very well too, his crib will be not far from needing an adjustment too.

For this month I believe I can sum up their philosophies very well:
Claire: "Why ask someone to do it when I can and WILL do it myself?"
Colin: "Why do it myself when I can tell someone to do it for me?"

That's the idea for this month anyway. Claire is starting to be very verbal and Colin is excited to get on the move. They will probably both be just as active and opinionated as Adam, so everyone will fit right in around here.

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