Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hello Spring

Let me start out by saying that when we tackled this weekend we thought Adam might have been teething. So I gave him some things to do to try to keep his mind off of it. However, we discovered today that it wasn't teething but a sinus infection and double ear infection... I guess it makes these smiles all that much more amazing...

(And I have thus decided that it's never "just teething" with this guy.)

This weekend was a full one, complete with a half day for me and bowling for Junior Achievement on Friday, a trip to the Arboretum with my mom for pictures and fresh air, co-hostess for a baby shower on Sunday, and then the Ft. Worth Zoo on Monday (a planned family day off since vacations are hard to come by).

Adam enjoyed the Arboretum on Saturday, even though the sun and the people watching wore him plum out. (I love that saying, "plum out." I feel very Southern.) Here are some pictures from the day.
Adam and Mamie

Adam and Mamie
getting excited...



On Sunday Adam's "teething" made for a rough day for Shannon while I was out of the house for the baby shower.

Then yesterday we had Mexican food for lunch (Adam inhaled almost an entire sour cream chicken enchilada)  and then tackled the zoo. Even though Adam really wasn't feeling all that great, he didn't complain. His top moments were: The stroller, the train, and the people. Second on the list were the turtles and the penguins. He also seemed to take notice of the big cats (the Cheetahs and the Jaguar), but couldn't have cared less about the elephants and giraffes. We left for the day with confirmation that still at the top of Adam's animal favorite's list is Eli (the fat black and white cat at home who wanders the house and screams at everyone).

(He loves Dad's hat)


Riding the Train!

Riding the train!


And the best part of the trip . . . (yes, the part that we could have done in a trip around our neighborhood block) . . . THE STROLLER RIDE!

Anyway, we had a good time even though Adam is still probably just a little too young to understand it and much more interested in people and socializing than the cages and animals. Oh well.

Hopefully he can knock out these ear infections and sinus infection with this round of extra strong antibiotics and we can have more fun weekends.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Great pics! I love the 2 with you and him and the flowers in the background! Those are def worth putting in a frame! :) He is such a HAM!