Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Around the House

Getting in line for breathing treatments...

Still getting used to all the pink. I never will get used to all the cute.

We ran out of diapers on a day when I had all three of them by myself, so we made a rush trip to Costco. It was my first trip to a public place with all three by myself. It actually was pretty composed and not as terrible as I expected.

They knew we were on a mission and behaved themselves accordingly.

Waiting for Adam's Easter parade.

Watching Bubble Guppies.

Colin was waiting for the right moment to steal Adam's snack.

Wearing mom's back up soccer jersey and soccer cleats. He's dying to play.

Bought Claire some new shoes. She LOVES them, and grins big when you show them to her.

Another pair of shoes for her collection.

Our shopping trip.

Adam and I went to have frozen yogurt in our pajamas. He didnt eat a bite but liked being out. He gave it all to me.

The Mobile Duo...

She's a ninja, she doesn't want to look darling.


Brushing their teeth...

Taking advantage of warm days.

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