Saturday, April 6, 2013

Saturday in April

Nothing major to report, except that today we cleaned out the freezer, turned on the grill and had a smorgasbord board dinner.

Gus was offended that I didn't make him a plate...

The twins were begging for dinner at 3:55.

And after a family nap (minus Shannon), I took Adam for a major haircut.

I like it. I didn't expect to, and he looks like a little boy instead of my baby, but it's probably about time. His hair had lost its "baby" texture anyway so it he had begun to tell people at home that their "hair is crazy!" I'm guessing he heard it at school a few times. At any rate. The new look works on him.

Then we came home and played in the trampoline while dinner was grilling.

Ate dinner, had a Popsicle, a bath, and off to bed... Loving Saturdays in April.

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