Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cost of Twins

I imagine the kids and maybe even grandkids would look back on this and think these are small amounts. So for history's sake I'll record the "cost of twins," because I've had so many comment about the cost of diapers, and don't know how to break it to them that that is the least of our worries.

Daycare for the twins: $400 per week (that doesn't include Adam).

Formula: $45 per week. Almost 5lbs per week of Similac.

Wipes: approx. 14 boxes (refills) of wipes per month. $30.

Diapers: about 300 diapers per month. $60

Baby food: Now that the twins are eating mostly table food, this number has dropped to about $15 a week. At the height, we were spending about $75 per week.

Miscellaneous toiletries: Shampoo, lotion, diaper rash cream, etc: $20 per month.

(This one was a victim of a taco salad explosion.)

This doesn't include medications like antibiotics, cost of doctor's appts, etc. lets just say we met our $2400 deductible in March.

(This one was at the doctor for her third dose of antibiotics. She got giddy when she heard her favorite song, "If You're Happy and You Know It.")

I had a glorious thought today, that all parents with two or more kids see these numbers, and then laughingly told myself that at least we get to buy in bulk.

And at least they're cute.

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