Thursday, May 5, 2011

Adam's 1st Birthday

Happy Cinco de Mayo.

Today Adam woke up at 7 am on the dot. I made him bacon and eggs, which he promptly refused and instead went for his usual banana and toast (sometimes it's a waffle). He then got a bath, got to play in his room while I desperately tried to figure out why he has no clothes that fit (it seems that all I do it buy him clothes, so how could he have nothing to wear?), and then we went for his one year check up.

Adam weighs 23 lbs, 11 ounces (75th percentile) and is 30.5 inches (75th to 90th percentile). His speech is on par with a 15 month olds' and his coordination is about the same as a 15-18 month old. Our pediatrician mused that even though he's probably the youngest in his classroom at daycare, he probably fits in pretty well with even the oldest in the room.

Adam then got three shots, three band-aids, and really only cried because she made him lie still. He cried briefly because of the initial shot, then quit . . . then gave us his mad cry about a minute later because he had had just about enough. He quit almost instantly when I picked him up, and then I swear he glared at the nurse.

Only the meanest mom in the world would schedule for her baby to get shots on the same day as his birthday, right? I wasn't thinking very clearly when I made the appointment, I suppose. In addition to the shots, I then had to immediately take him up the stairs to get his finger pricked for the CBC test that we had to re-do since the blood had clotted him the lab. If you recall, the last time we did the test he didn't flinch or cry, and actually smiled throughout the process. I tried to get it re-done about a month ago, and they sent us away because they didn't have the little finger-pricker tools in stock that day. So we had to return today.

So here we are, on his birthday, immediately after getting three shots, and about an hour past his nap time . . . and I take him to get his finger pricked. I expected tears this time, and a struggle. But he surprised me again by sitting very still and smiling at the lady who pricked his finger and spent about 5 minutes massaging the blood from it. His shoes bugged him more than the blood draw did, and I had to take them off halfway through so he would stop trying to kick them off. Once they were off, he was even more well behaved. I have bred some kind of superhuman child, it appears.

Adam crashed in the car after fighting with the pacifier dilemma he found himself in . . . two pacifiers, only one mouth. He would suck on one for 5 seconds, pull it out and put the other one in. It went on like this for about 10 minutes, and the poor guy was so tired he could hardly keep his eyes open. If I hadn't been driving, I might have saved him from himself. But it was also pretty cute to watch in the rear view mirror.

After his 3 and a half hour nap, Adam ate lunch, went outside and got to play in a freshly mowed yard, and then opened presents. What loot did Adam get on his first birthday? Well, a Neat and Tidy Cottage for the backyard, a pair of shorts, a pair of jeans, three new shirts, and some blocks! Oh, and a big party on Saturday.

He had the time of his life.

This evening, my parents came over to see him and give him some birthday cards... the favorite was the one that had three candles that lit up when you opened it, and after you blew them out (literally blow on the card), it sang happy birthday. He had lots of fun with the cards and with showing Mamie and Grandpa his new house.He then fell asleep easily after a very busy and fun day.

I am now in the middle of making 50 cupcakes for his birthday party on Saturday. The chaos is about to begin...

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