Sunday, May 22, 2011

Being One.

This weekend I got to play and rest. I had a much needed girl's night on Friday night - Lisa, Robin, Sarah and I went to have sushi and then back to my house to drink too much. Then on Saturday we all went to a baby shower at the Bryant's, and Adam played and talked to everyone. He got to play on the slide in the backyard and now understands the joy of sliding AND climbing.

Before the party.
Funny little expression.

HA HA - this is how I will escape!

Getting better at walking in his shoes.

The joy of sliding.

Climbing up

Sliding down.

Playing with Bobby, who is one day older than Adam.
Today, Shannon let me sleep in until 11. This afternoon we took Adam to my parent's house, then went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4 and afterward we ate at Chamberlain's (seafood). It was nice to have the day to ourselves and very relaxing.
Now that Adam is one, he is obsessed with nodding his head "yes" and shaking it "no". He will say yes or no randomly or in response to a question. For example, as Adam leaves his snack untouched on his highchair... "Adam, are you going to eat your snack?" He nods his head yes. But he still doesn't eat it.

He can also say both words now too. And it's not "yeah" or "yep" or "uh huh" - it's full on "YES."

Because he is walking pretty much everywhere he gets tired more quickly. Last week I was holding him and he didn't want to be put down, didn't want a snack, didn't want a drink, didn't need a new diaper, and he had his pacifier in his mouth. I said "Adam, what's wrong?" He took his pacifier out of his mouth and yelled, "NY NITE!"; then he stuck the pacifier back in his mouth. It was only 6:45pm, and we ended up putting him down around 7:30 that night. He has no issues with telling us when it's time for bed, so that's a good thing.

His new food obsession is Ritz crackers and cheese. You show him a Ritz and his hand will shoot out faster than you could expect. You have any more, and he'll whine until you hand them over. On the other hand, he has demonstrated a dislike for corn dogs and ravioli. But I guess that's okay.

He has finally decided that milk is okay and maybe even a little better than formula, which is great - formula is expensive. Today he even drank from a straw for the first time. I think he would have continued to do it too if he had liked what was in the cup -- it was one of those Gerber flavored milk toddler drinks, and I don't think Adam was all that impressed.

He is consistently sleeping until at least 6 am - sometimes longer - and THAT IS AWESOME.

He is also throwing everything and is actually getting pretty good at it. I don't mind it - he can't throw that far yet - but I'm sure one day I'll just be minding my own business and get nailed in the head with a block. Countdown until that day begins . . . now.

Overall it's fun to have a one year old. I'm still counting my blessings every day.

1 comment:

Delia said...

Cooper hates the flavored milk - he looks at me like I'm crazy, shakes his head and gives it back.

He's also still confused on the nodding and his signs. I'll ask him if he's "all done" after dinner, he makes the sign and then when we go to take the food away he screams. Go figure!

Adam is such a big boy! So cute!!