Thursday, May 12, 2011

All I want for my birthday...

What did Adam get for his first birthday?

Well, he got an outdoor play house, a picnic table that doubles as a sand/water table, a four wheeler, a toy toolbox, a toy guitar, blocks, clothes, bath toys, gift cards, trucks, a soccer ball, singing birthday cards, a huge party, swimming attire, shoes, and...


And not just the "early signs of" kind of bronchitis, the full blown kind. He feels like crap, poor kid.

So yesterday we visited the pediatrician (they know us pretty well around there), then came home and broke out the nebulizer, the antibiotics, the cool mist humidifier, the acetaminophen, and the kisses of sympathy.

Our pediatrician told us that we should be looking for him to feel a million times better by the weekend (and if not, to call them immediately because he may need something stronger to kill this one). Sadly, when he woke up this morning, he was feeling worse, not better.

I have my fingers crossed (and my sanity in check) for a healthier kid tomorrow. Pneumonia and the hospital were not on his birthday wish list either.

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