It has been a while since I've written, but only because it never seems like there is enough time in the day to be a mom to a 4 month old with bronchitis and cough while working from home and trying to keep up with the social demands and the little escapes for personal sanity.
In this last week Adam has been to his 4 month appointment with the pediatrician, another sick appointment, and an appointment for x-rays and evaluation of his hips. He has gotten a new walker/jumper, given spoon feeding a try, and visited with family over the weekend. My dad was released from the hospital a week and a half ago, and is adjusting to having a physical therapist visit almost daily and getting accustomed to moving around the house again. He needs to use a walker but is doing well - but I know he's ready for things to be back to normal.
Last Wednesday Adam was 18 weeks old and we went for his 4 month appointment. He was 16 pounds, 3.5 ounces and 26 1/4 inches long. He's in the 75th percentile for weight but in the 90th percentile for height. But I swear I wake up every day and he's bigger. Just yesterday (5 days later) at his sick appointment he weighed 16 lbs 11 ounces and 26 3/4 inches (I measured him today at home). It no wonder he's about to grow out of his 6/9 month clothes.
At this appointment, on top of everything else, we discovered that he most likely has some acid reflux so we are giving him Prevacid once a day. He also has a bacterial infection in his eye duct so we have ointment for his eye 3 times a day. For anyone keeping track, that is 3 breathing treatments a day, 2 doses of antibiotic, apply eye ointment 3 times a day, and Prevacid once a day. We aren't quite sure that the Prevacid is working though.
His other favorite toy is a little stuffed elephant, which he loves to chew on.
Caught in the "tiger" pose that he does when he's very hungry. |
Adam can roll from his stomach to his back, although he still doesn't like doing it and won't do it every time. He can also (more consistently) roll from his back to his stomach - where he gets stuck and will hang out for a while before giving up and yelling for help. We're trying out the spoon feeding and have given him rice cereal and oatmeal. Today I think it finally clicked for him and he was opening his mouth for the oatmeal and swallowing without pushing much out. Once he realized he had gotten it, he started reaching for the spoon so he could do it himself. He's definitely independent.
Adam with three generations of Ham men and his cousins: Caden, Krysta, and Angela |
After-wedding nap |
In addition to a sick baby, Sunday night after getting home from the wedding I started to feel like the flu was coming on and went to bed early - and woke up feeling a million times worse. I had to break down and ask Shannon to stay home from work and help me because Adam needed attention and I definitely wasn't in the position to be handling an already sick baby. So Shannon took him to the doctor yesterday. It's week 3 of Adam's bronchitis so here we are, after our 4th appointment with the pediatrician, with the nebulizer again. We had given it back last week only to discover that it was too soon to give it up, and have to give him breathing treatments for another week. We are trying round three of a stronger antibiotic. If nothing improves by next Monday she will refer us to an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. I would like to say that the last thing we need is more doctors, but honestly if this next week of antibiotics and breathing treatments doesn't fix this, I welcome something that can. And our experiences so far with "specialists" have been fairly positive, albeit expensive. I'm just ready to have a healthy little boy again.
Tomorrow Adam is 19 weeks old. Hopefully it won't be so long before I am able to write again.