Wednesday, August 25, 2010

16 weeks

Today Adam is 16 weeks old. I put him on the floor to play while I got everything ready for work/daycare today, went into the kitchen, and found him fully asleep. He must have been having good dreams though.

I really think that he has had 3 colds back to back since starting daycare. I would think that it's one long cold except that I have gotten every one of them and they are all miserable in different ways. The current one features a horrible, mucusy cough that can't be pleasant. But you wouldn't know it by looking at him.

This weekend we are hosting the 2nd Annual fantasy football draft at our house. We will have a house full of friends. Draft in the afternoon, BBQ for dinner, drinks to finish the night. Obviously this will be Adam's first draft, and I think he'll do great with all the people to entertain him.

But we shall see...

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