Sunday, March 13, 2011

March So Far

So far, March has been hectic. Adam was bitten at daycare, we went to the doctor for a sinus/double ear infection, we gave our notice at the current daycare (for many, many reasons - the bite was just the tipping-point), Adam was bitten again, then got sick again and went back to the doctor (it was determined that it was a new cold), was home for a few days, then had another urgent rush to the doctor again 4 days later because of a fever while on antibiotics. 3 trips to the pediatrician in literally 8 days.

The doctors think it could be a lingering ear infection or it could be teething, but that it's hard to tell. I think it might be both. He has another little tooth popping in on the bottom next to his lone baby tooth. The doctor also thinks he is showing signs that he might have allergies (and contributing to the constant colds). This wouldn't be surprising since I'm allergic to everything that exists (except food) - indoor, outdoor, pets, winter, spring, summer, fall... hopefully he doesn't have the same ailment, but we will see. Adam never minded the nasty Nexium, but apparently the grape flavored children's Claritin makes him cringe (and tonight, made him gag).

After Adam did so well with the CBC blood test, they called and said that the sample clotted in the lab and they have to do it again. Really? I hear this is common, but seriously - there aren't ways to prevent that? I guess not. I have until his first birthday to do it again, but I'm not anxious to see if that one miraculous made-of-steel baby was just a fluke that one day. Plus, whether Adam deals with it like a champ or not, I hate the sight of blood.

Shannon went on a business trip earlier this week in Orlando (poor guy, right?) He saw the Harry Potter amusement park and did a whole lot of networking. Adam and I were both glad when he came home Wednesday night.  But we all survived. :)
This weekend we played in the backyard and grilled out - and Adam loved it. He squealed and smiled and kicked his legs the whole time, then devoured his cheeseburger patty (well, the half that we gave him, cut up into small bites), his sweet potatoes, and his watermelon - and kept eating even when he could barely keep his eyes open. I had to save him from himself and remove the remaining delicious bites - and he thanked me for it.

Today we were all hit especially hard by the daylight savings time. We slept in a little, but then two hours later we all went down for a 3 hour nap and have been dragging and lounging all day - reading books, watching movies, taking pictures, and basically being lazy (except for my 25 minute jog with Caley). I'm looking forward to the longer, warmer days to come.

We start at the new daycare tomorrow and I wouldn't be more excited than if I was staying home with him myself. Since giving our notice, he was bit again on the back, I've had to tell the lead teacher not to feed him strawberry cupcakes and banana pudding - and got a, "he's never had cake before??" from one young teacher. No. He's ten months old and doesn't need cake. I sent strawberry yogurt and bananas that day so he could participate, but had very little confidence that he stayed completely away from the sugar. The next day, I picked him up and he had a very large scratch on his head - but they didn't know when or how he got it. The last day, the lead teacher was rude about not having "enough" wipes to last the day, and looked at me like she expected me to run out and get some for her. I didn't. They could clearly make do on his last day, and the office manager, who was standing right next to me, chimed in about the situation before I had to. Then Adam ran a fever for 3 hours that afternoon before they called me, and when they finally did, it was at 4pm  on a Friday, when it's nearly impossible to sneak in an appointment at the doctor before the weekend. Luckily, we were able to.

So needless to say, when they were weeping to say good-bye to Adam, I felt for him that he would never again see these people that he knows, but was thinking, "adios!" in my head.

I'm going to cut out from work a couple hours early a few days this week so I'm not just dumping him somewhere new for 10 hours at a time. I think he'll do okay, but the next week or so might be a pretty big adjustment. I'm just glad we had such a great weekend. It feels like a good omen.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Loving the Spurs gear! Hope tomorrow goes well!