Thursday, December 22, 2011

Haircut Woes

So in the last few days I've allowed myself to come to the realization that Adam's hair was in need of a good trim. It was painful and I have been very slow to admit the truth, but there was no denying it anymore. As much as I loved his mess of adorable curls, it was time for a professional to take a stab at the situation. So we went to a kid's hair salon this morning.

The problem is, there is no warning in those parenting books for the amount of irrational emotions that follow when your kid has their first "real" haircut. I had trimmed a little off the sides when I could get him to sit still long enough, and typically I left the situation unhappy with what I had done. But seriously, they should put blinking red lights and sirens on the front of the kid salon doors to warn mothers who are irrationally attached to their babies' (almost) curls and fluffy manes...


It's a mess, I know... this is his un-brushed mullet.

At the salon, He sat still (briefly) with a lollipop, in a car, and watching Thomas the Train . . . and he still wanted me to have both hands on him at all times. I didn't mind that part though. It was being covered in trimmings of his beautiful blonde hair as she hacked it off that was killing me.

Post Haircut
Blurry, but was the best picture I was able to get that showed his new haircut.


I admit that his new hair cut doesn't look bad. In fact, I know it's an improvement. It's just not what I really wanted, I suppose. I didn't want her to take a lot off the top, but she took off more than I had hoped. I told her we "style" it by brushing it all forward, but now we can't really do that because the bangs are uneven and it looks better brushed to the side.

But if I were being completely honest with myself, I guess I'd have to admit that my real problem is that I took in my adorable little baby...

....and came back with this cute big kid.

It's hard to imagine that these two pictures were taken literally within two hours of each other. They say they grow up fast, but my goodness!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

19 (and a half) Months

It feels like ages since I've updated our blog (over a month, in fact). There are many reasons for the delay, but none of them are very good excuses. We've simply found ourselves either feeling sick or traveling for work or bogged down with daily stresses and excitement. As the end of 2011 approaches and 2012 begins, I have a feeling that the excitement and constant rushing will not slow down much.

But I couldn't go much longer without writing about how Adam has grown (and his little 19 1/2 month old quirks).

Adam is perfecting his knack for the dramatic. His real cry is few and far between . . . showing itself mostly when he doesn't get what he wants, is tired, or when he truly hurts himself (like 2 weeks ago when he ran full speed into his slide and gave himself a black eye). His fake, over-dramatic cry is much more common and just drips with Pitiful. And then there's the new "owwwwww!" or "ouch!" which is usually said when Caley comes within a few inches of him or barely touches him. He's not afraid of Caley or even hurt by her, she's the most tame dog you could ever meet. So when he accuses her of biting him (she didn't), it's really out of no where. Poor Caley is the scapegoat.

But the flare for the dramatic is especially cute when he stops in the middle of dinner, points at the previously mentioned black eye, looks at you with squinted eyes, purses his lips and says "owwwww." (and earns a "oh, you poor baby!" from his mom, who is a sucker.)
He pays close attention to people's facial expressions, and truthfully it's just a study for him. He pushes any limits to get in trouble just so he can study and mimic my facial expressions. He'll throw a chicken nugget on the ground (after being told "no" a couple times), grin when I scowl at him and then copy my facial expression. It's hard to stay stern with a little comedian who glares back at you.

He'll climb his short bookshelf (which is okay - trying to stop this kid from climbing is like trying to stop him from breathing, so he has a few "safe" zones), and once at the top of the bookshelf will touch the TV (which is not okay). He knows this. So he'll touch it, look at me, then grin and wag his finger back and forth and sing "no, no, no!" That "no, no, no!" finger wag is cute but oh-so-ornery.

Speaking of climbing... we have apparently told Adam to take it "easy" (as in, "be careful!") so often that when he climbs and waivers... or the toy that he is using to climb shakes and he almost falls... he tells himself, "easy!" So if you're in one part of the house and hear a tiny little voice in another room say, "Eaaasyyyyy..." you can be fairly certain that he's getting into something he probably shouldn't. This means that when you hear kitchen chairs scraping on tile, you should probably go and check that all the scissors and knives are securely put away... or that your wallet is still where you left it. (My wallet is currently his favorite "toy.")

Below is a picture of Adam's bear impression. I was wearing a Baylor sweatshirt at dinner one night, which had a picture of a bear on it, and every so often he would look at the bear and glare back at it. It didn't take me long to realize that was his "bear face" (which surprisingly came with a very quiet and meek growl). Since the Baylor Quarterback this year, Robert Griffin III, won the Heisman, now we just need to teach him the Heisman stance and he'll be all set.

Now that it's winter, of course Adam has learned how to take off his clothes. If he could be naked all day and all night, all year round, that would be perfectly fine with him. So imagine the morning struggles that come with needing to wear (gasp!) sleeves or even a jacket (the horror!). At least he's associated putting shoes on with leaving the house... and since he LOVES to leave the house, shoes are not a struggle anymore. Below are two pictures right after he's taken his shirt off all by himself. He was SO proud.

Around here we are very clear on "YES," and "NO." Adam's "yes" is usually one huge, deliberate head nod and comes most often after the questions: "Do you want more milk?" "Do you need your paci?" (This is usually just before bed.) "Do you want a snack?" and the clear winner, which is bordering on a stupid question... "Would you like a gummy?"

"Would you like a gummy?" is followed with a huge head nod, then he takes off for the the kitchen and stands next to the cabinet where the gummies are kept while he claps and stomps excitedly. Then he stuffs the three that he gets in his mouth and says, "more?!" before he can even taste, chew, or swallow the ones he got. (He doesn't get more, but he always asks). Below are some pictures of the excitement on his face when he waits patiently for his gummies.

Also, we have a pancake lover in the house. He can put down more than 6 mini pancakes (probably even more if we let him) at one sitting. His pancake face is similar to his gummy face.

Last week I spent 4 days in St. Louis for work while Shannon and Adam spent some quality time together. (What I would have done to be home with them though!) I got a few pictures while I was away, the first (the first one) from Ms. Tiffany after Adam had a treat of red velvet cake at school. The second was from Shannon after he informed me that he had a nasty cold (and felt horrid), and that he Adam were going to have a movie and mac and cheese night. Eli apparently needed a hug that night. (And since I was fighting my own cold in St. Louis, I think we all needed a hug that night).

As far as Eli's hugs are concerned, I would say "poor" Eli, but I'm pretty sure Eli knows what he's in for when he walks into the room. The two have a natural attachment to each other. One night Adam and I were cuddling in Shannon and I's bed, watching Little Einstein's, and Eli joined us. Despite my attempts to get Adam to be gentle, after being kicked a few times (actually, so many times I was surprised Eli stuck around at all), Eli gave him a warning nip on the hand. He didn't get him hard and there was no mark, but Adam was surprised. He held up his hand and looked at me and said "BITE?!"

I said, "I know, Eli is telling you he doesn't want to be kicked and you should be gentle with him. Be nice to Eli."

Adam said, "Bite?!" and looked at his hand for a few moments. Then he put his palm flat on Eli's face and said "Back!" Of course, Eli is a 21 pound cat who doesn't move unless he wants to move, so he just sat there and looked at Adam.

A few more moments went by, and then Adam bent down and gave Eli a big hug. I guess all was forgiven... some days I wish I was forgiven that quickly. By Eli or Adam!

This last picture (above) is from Monday when we had a breakfast in bed morning. I was the waitress and I only got 3 grapes out of the deal, but Adam liked it. Our unintentional plan to spoil him rotten is almost complete...