Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Playing Bakery

Adam earned a toy for having a whole week of dry nighttime diapers. He has been potty trained for about nine months now, and about 50% of the time is dry all night. We told him he could get a toy if he could do it a whole week, and his choices flipped back and forth between a doctor's dress up outfit and a cash register. In the end, the cash register won.

Yesterday we played "Bakery" after dinner. I was "Maker Mommy" and Adam was "Maker Adam." We talked about how it was really "Baker" but he thinks "maker" makes more sense.

 Waiting for the muffins to bake...

By the time the muffins finished baking, no one was interested in taking the time to pay for them, they all just wanted to eat.

Claire took hers and ran off, ate a couple bites, and fed the rest to Caley. She's not really a sweets kind of girl. Give her some ice water and some fish and veggies, and she'll be just fine.

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