Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Day to Day Fun in March

That day we got a new car and Colin was less than impressed...

But then he got a hair cut, his favorite.

that day Max came over to play.

My new shopping cart organizer.

That day Adam helped me install new carpet tiles.

And Colin stole Claire's boots.

And when they played with the lizards that Joy brought to Adam to play with.

When it was nice enough to jump on the trampoline in your nightgown (or night night dress).

And had a popsicle cheers...

When Daddy came home from work and made enough lap room for everyone.

And they helped me with laundry...

And found a good use for the empty baby pool.

and she showed me a gift she has.

And we had sushi together for the first time.

Claire, your eyes are so beautiful.
Your eyes are beautiful too, Mommy.

going to a birthday party...

and having some burgers...

And going fishing with your cousin...

pouting at the doctor.

but not for long...

All in all it was a very fun March.

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