Sunday, July 19, 2015

Bike Riding

I found it pretty cool that Adam learned to ride his bike at the same elementary school that I did, the one behind my parents' house. He still needs some practice, but he got the hang of it pretty quickly after we talked through some of his anxiety and his feeling like it was "too hard." 

This is also one of those rare moments that I was able to be in some of the pictures because Robin picked up the camera and became Adam's Photographer/Coach/Paparazzi. Once he got a few good rides in, he got extra motivation from being able to see his progress on the little LCD screen.

I'm very, very proud of him. In the last 2 months his reading has improved, he can do sommersaults, handstands, and dive for toys at the pool, and he's motivated to learn to ride his bike, Everyday I see more and more how much he just LOVES life, and it's absolutely contagious.

Mamie and Grandpa, RaRa and Chris, and Colin and Claire came out too... Colin and Claire mostly raced and climbed and played. Shannon wanted to help Adam learn to ride the bike, but about 10 mintes before was hit with something and wasn't feeling well.

But let's get to the bike riding, shall we?


Contemplating the uselessness of it all.


His "I did it" Dance.

I need a big girl bike.

As he got hot and tired we took a break for "Bike Ride Portraits." Because.


 Three cheers for Adam!

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