Sunday, November 1, 2015

Trick or Treating 2015

Last year our neighborhood was sort of dying out on the trick or treating. This year we were invited to a Halloween party and then to trick or treat in their neighborhood in Highland Village, so we went for it.

This is our pre-party picture taken with my camera timer. I'm actually impressed that everyone is looking at the camera.

I went inside one last time and my "costume" ripped (I was supposed to be Padme from Star Wars, but the costume itself was sort of a flop.) So I threw on a star wars shirt and some black pants and just dealt with it.

The kids are saying next year they all want to be Dalmatians, so maybe next year I can be something that actually looks like a costume rather than a white jumpsuit that doesn't actually fit correctly.

Then we got another family picture, which I like better.
 It was right before this that Claire sarcastically told me, "Man, it's a really good thing you didn't bring me a jacket, Mommy." She's been taking notes from her dad on how to be sarcastic.

They held hands for part of the trick or treating and talked about what a nice Fall Day it was.

 Shannon is the Death Star. Metaphoric,

In the party favors they got Chinese Handcuffs. Adam said, "This thing doesn't make any sense. I'm going to be stuck like this forever. Is anyone going to help me out of this or are you just going to keep laughing?"

I finally helped him and he said he'd never do it again... but then couldn't stand the thought of not mastering them, and figured out how to release himself by using his teeth and/or thumbs. He wasn't nearly as amused as I was.

When we got home we let them stay up as late as they wanted and they didn't really eat much candy but they really enjoyed getting to stay up as late as they wanted watching Alvin and The Chipmunks Meet The Wolfman, PLUS we snuck in a few extra hours of sleep this morning. I think that late night movie thing might become a tradition.

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