That is not to say that the last 3 months have been the best 3 months of my life, either. The only thing keeping me afloat is that we do have Adam around. The whole part of 2010 was filled with doctor's visits to make sure his heart and kidneys were forming correctly (they were), he was growing properly (oh, he was), or that I had enough amniotic fluid to sustain the pregancy to full term (I did). But after 3 or 4 visits to a specialist because my OB-GYN's basic job was to "suspect" something was wrong and send me to someone who might be able to prove it, we met my insurance deductible by March. Adam was born on Cinco de Mayo via an emergency c-section (the one thing I was completely freaked out about), completely healthy, and completely grown at 8 lbs 11 oz. I was 5 days past my due date. I got to bring him home from the hospital on Mother's Day, and the day before Shannon's 32nd birthday. Talk about a great Mother's Day and Birthday present.
Shortly after his birth we discovered that drinking milk can cause breastfeeding babies to have severe acid reflux/gas. In fact most foods do - tomatoes, cheese, refried beans - talk about a pizza and nacho lovers ultimate test. I cut all dairy out of my diet as well as most food staples, so that eventually all I really could eat without affecting his stomach was turkey sandwiches on wheat bread. We took him to Inwood Chiropractic and they did a little adjustment on him. It was basically just a tiny little massage, not pulling or yanking, and he loved it. We saw results immediately within an hour or so after I brought him home. I truly believe it saved us a lot of heartache and now we are slowly working in the dairy products back into his diet.
Here are some of my favorite professional photos of Adam done by Brenna Lynn Photography. He was 12 days old when these pictures were taken.
Adam's Development
After the total 4 months is up, he will get x-rays done on his hips to see if the treatment worked and that his hips developed correctly with both legs in the socket. If not, they will need to give him anesthesia and do a procedure to pop the hips into place. Needless to say, we are desperately hoping that the Pavlik harness works. As difficult as it has been to see him in it day after day, any procedures that must be done if this does not work will be much more painful and difficult for him. They say that he should have no developmental setbacks and that physically if all goes well he will not have any disabilities. We have 2 weeks left of full time harness use, and I am counting down the days!
Luckily, the harness has not hindered his movement or growth. In the rare times that I do remove the harness he can still roll over . . . he has an incredibly strong core and has been able to hold his head up since birth, basically. At his 2 month appointment with the pediatrician, he took his vaccinations like a champ. He calmed down immediately after the shots (with help from the pacifier), and was smiling at me by the time we were in the elevator. We also were surprised to find that he weighed 13 lbs, 7.5 ounces and was 24.5 inches long -- so at two months old he was in the 90th percentile for both height and weight . . . a strong, tall, healthy boy. I swear he is literally growing inches overnight.
Adam 2 months and Erin 30 years |
Erin's 30th Birthday
Shannon and Erin |
On July 5 this year I turned 30 years old on the same day that Adam was exactly 2 months old. For my birthday my parents baby-sat while we went to Luna de Noche for dinner and then bowling and laser tag afterwards with Robin, Sarah, Jon and Kristina, Lisa and Mike and Kirsten and Bryan.
The Group |
Shortly after Adam was born, Shannon bought a new truck to replace his falling-apart Blazer (which blew carbon monoxide into the car, had a barely-functioning air conditioner, and an incessant door buzzer that tells you when the car is on but the door isn't shut all the way beeped at you no matter how tightly shut the door was). Technically it isn't "new", but new to us. Not long after that purchase, he walked out the door one morning to go to work and found his truck on cinderblocks in the driveway, all 4 tires and wheels gone.
Other Scary Things

A few weeks after Tom's passing, I got a phone call from my sister telling me that my mom had taken my dad to the emergency room and that they thought he was either having a heart attack or stroke. They ruled both out, and while in the hospital he slowly lost gross motor skills, starting from his legs and moving up toward his face. They ran test after test and finally discovered after days of testing that he had some form of Guillain-Barre Syndrome. GBS is incredibly rare, effecting only 1 or 2 in 100,000 people. He is still in the hospital undergoing serious physical, occupational and speech therapy daily. My mind is constantly on him and how strong he must be to face this. I know he will overcome it soon and be good as new, it's just a long, hard battle.
Bathtime at 12 weeks old |
Adam 10 weeks old |
Shannon and Adam at the Pool |
What's next?? |
Exhausted! |
It has been a tough, emotionally draining summer, but one that has been completely worth it because I got to spend all my time with little Adam and enjoy learning to be a parent with Shannon.As the summer begins to come to an end I start this blog so that as the weeks and days go by I remember to cherish every moment that I have with my family.
Erin-Wow! I had no idea any of that was going on. I have Bern caught in my own little world with Abbie and her DS that I never really thought to ask. I am sorry. Many prayers will be heading your way for your dad, for Adams leg braces to have done their job, and for peace about going back to work. The first few days after I went back with Reagan were really tough, but after that it got easier. He will be so happy to see Momma come get him from "school" that you will get even bigger smiles and cuddles!
Ps. We did hip ultrasound too.
What a cute little boy! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, but I'm sure you'll both do fine. It's not easy, but it does make the time at home just that much better.
Hey Erin! Hang in there, all will smooth out soon. I hear your dad is doing better everyday. I know tomorrow is going to be very hard, stay stong, and I'll be thinking of you!
Love the pictures and hearing all about how everything is going. As long as you continue to write, I'll continue to read it!
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