Thursday, August 25, 2011

We Don't Do Things Just a Little Bit Around Here

Let's run through the list of illnesses that a tiny child can have/catch in just 15 months.

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

Cold (@ 3 weeks old)

Sinus Infections (x20 - I wish I were exaggerating)

Bronchitis (x2)

SEVERE acid reflux (for 9 months)


Double Ear Infection


The Flu

Stomach Bug (x3 - I've heard stories of parents with 5 year olds who have never had to clean up vomit, and this bewilders me. While we haven't had to clean up any throw up for a while, there for the first 13 months it was a weekly occurance, almost. You just look at Adam wrong and his gag reflex goes to work.)

Severe Allergies (which also causes us to break out the nebulizer for frequent breathing treatments - we now get Inhalation Solution (Xopenex) in bulk.)

Severely Sensitive Skin (Johnson's & Johnson's is like fire on his skin and don't even think about coming near him with any type of baby wipe other than Pamper's Sensitive)


Strep Throat

and for the finale...

Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease.

That's right. I said it. Adam caught it. We believe it started Monday and from what our pediatrician says, he has a pretty severe case of it. Of course, like fools... Shannon and I started to get our hopes up that the low grade fevers and drooling were related to teething (of course not) instead of a sickness -- you could call us the enternal optimists.  And I felt so bad when she told me that the drooling happens with this illness because their mouth hurts so bad they can hardly swallow. It put all the pieces together for me because we were bewildered about why he was grimacing like crazy when drinking his milk yesterday.

Of course, with the foot-hand-mouth disease comes bad blisters in the diaper area and a nasty rash around his mouth, on his wrists and on his feet. But we were able to take care of that pretty quickly and it's already starting to go away.

We have a tough little guy, and while he's absolutely miserable, cranky, and doesn't feel well, it doesn't hinder him too much...

Robin came over this week and took notes about how to play fantasy football. Adam climbed on Robin and stole her pen and showed her how he can act crazy. Well, since Adam just loves to do whatever Aunt Robin does... wear a purse, wear bracelets, put your hands over people's faces... the next day sought out a pen (on his own, he was rummaging through my purse) and a piece of paper, and came into the living room to "write."

We have also started giving him time outs from his golf set. He loves it, but sometimes can get a little excited and use the golf clubs to hit, or stick the golf balls all the way in his mouth, or I just simply get sick of tripping over all the pieces to it all over the house - usually in the kitchen where he tries to use the clubs to knock things off the counter tops. So we stick the set up on a dresser in the living room. Does that stop Adam? No. Of course not. It only gives him more practice for his future as a professional rock climber.

When Adam is sick I am able to work from home, but it is not a glamorous as it may sound. Working from home is a luxury, but is the equivalent of trying to do two full time jobs at once, in an inconvenient location. I am incredibly lucky that I have the flexibility and option... but have had to get fairly creative for ways to keep this busy little boy entertained... today I gave him his favorite toy... my wallet.... and let him dig through it as long as he wanted. And while on a conference call, I got a large diaper bag and filled it full of things so he could dig through it.

Because yesterday when Lily sent me a link to the theme song to Toy Story, Adam was immediately mesmerized just by the song when I played it. So I turned on Toy Story 3 this afternoon, on the off chance that he might stop and look at it every few minutes. He got quiet, I couldn't see him, and I figured he must have found an open door and was dunking something in the toilet somewhere. I got up to look for him, and found him glued to Toy Story. He's addicted, and for all the types of shows he could be attracted to, I am fully on board for a Toy Story addict. He basically watched the whole movie, only taking his eyes off the screen long enough to bring me his empty cup and ask for "juice."

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