Friday, July 27, 2012

Brought To You By The Number 2

I realized this morning that in two weeks, I will have a two year old and two two-month olds. That's a lot of twos.

Today's post is brought to you by the letter A, the letter C, and the number 2.

Due to lack of time, this update will be primarily in the form of pictures and Facebook updates over the last week or so.

On Monday, I somehow hit the baby jackpot, and all three of them crashed for a good hour and a half on the couch. This is same old, same old for Colin and Claire, but Adam never falls asleep anywhere unless it's in his own bed, or with a lot of coaxing somewhere else.

I have to admit I was baffled.
Adam's phrase of the week... I have TWO pacis!!

This is what it's like to be stared at by two hungry babies.

"Hop to it, Mom."

Now what?
On Tuesday, Claire smiled for about 20 minutes at Colin. On Wednesday, she was smiling at Adam, and on Thursday she smiled at me. When I got out of the shower later that morning, I caught Colin looking at Claire and grinning. It's pretty adorable, really.

These babies adore each other, but reveal every day how they are very much the opposite of each other. This week I discovered that Claire is a morning person- smiles, smiles, smiles...  while Colin is a night owl and wants to hang out and look at everything just before bedtime (which, fortunately, he also likes).

Frankly, my life has morphed into one of those flash-before-your-eyes kind of realities, so I'm not sure there's much more to say beyond these events below...

Brenna Lyn Photography sent us our newborn photos, and now we just have to figure out which one will go over the very empty space over the fireplace... These are our favorites.

Adam had a swim date with Lisa this morning and he had a blast. My Aunt Becky and cousin Mandie are in town to visit with the babies, so while they and my mom watched them, I took Adam to Lisa's and I went grocery shopping. However, literally 30 seconds before I pulled into their driveway his eyes glazed over and he threw up all over himself. Twice. But afterwards he looked and acted like he felt fine. So we hosed him down and he swam for about 30 minutes. (I'm not quite sure what I'll do when it gets too cold to have outside baths).

Lisa said he was well behaved and a very good listener. I'm so proud of him.  And when I asked if he was ready to go, he said, "nuh uh," and ran around yelling cheerfully with a roll of paper towels on his head. He whimpered when he had to say goodbye to Lisa. I'm hoping we'll get to do more Lisa-Adam dates this summer. There's definite chemistry there.

When we came back, I got to take a nap and my mom had gone nuts cleaning our house, washing sheets and making beds, mopping floors, vacuuming, and in general making our house livable once again. I truly don't know what I'd do without the help and support of my family (who helps me keep my sanity by giving us a minivan, bringing meals, socializing with me, holding/feeding babies and playing with Adam) and friends, who bring meals (Kristina, Carol, Brenda, Valerie, Lily) and send diapers ... (Kristina, Lisa Dean, and the mountain of diapers my parents gave us). I would probably live in filth, never leave the house, and starve to death. I'm thrilled I don't have to find out how hard it would be to do this alone.

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