Friday, August 31, 2012

Impersonating a Monkey

It's just one of those days when you really just have to laugh.

Today is Friday, so Adam is home with me and the babies. I've really come to enjoy these days because Adam, now that he's feeling better, is tons of fun. We play tickle wrestling, we chase each other through the house, we have lunch together, Adam's choice, and we have Ducktales marathons.

Today Adam was not bad at all... but he decided he wanted to embody his favorite fictional character: Curious George.

Me: "Adam, what do you want for lunch?"
Adam" "Ummm... let's see. Cancakes! (pancakes)"
Me: "Pancakes, huh? Can Mommy have some too?"
Adam: "Yeah!"

So I mix the batter, vaguely notice that Adam has grabbed the Bisquick box (which I thought was empty), but I keep stirring. I turn around not 15 seconds later and Adam is standing in the middle of the kitchen, covered from head to toe in white powder, and is holding out his right foot and pointing at a white speck there (amidst all the other white specks all over his body). "Messy!"

I laugh. "What happened to you?"
He grabs me by the hand and leads me into the family room, stands before this pile of Bisquick and says sternly: "Look at THIS MESS!"

As punishment I made him pose for a picture.

So we eat lunch, and he goes back to playing, talking, etc. I sit down to feed Claire, and Adam disappears into the laundry room.

I realize that I'm hearing him "blow his nose" - it's a cute little attempt - but he's doing it over, and over, and I'm thinking... there aren't any tissues in there.

I put down Claire, who is screaming at this point because she's been interrupted during meals several times already today, and find Adam using the dryer sheets to "blow his nose," then throw them in the washing machine. When I found him, he was very proud of himself, grinning ear to ear and showing me what a great job he was doing.

I had to laugh.

When I get back to Claire, it's not five minutes before Adam wanders over to me, and he STINKS. Because this will make the 3rd dirty diaper I've changed just on him before noon, I mistakenly try to make it a potty training talk. I knew I shouldn't have mentioned it the second the words came out of my mouth.

When he hears the word "potty," he gets excited and goes running for the bathroom. I tell him to wait for me, but he's on a mission to go on his own... with an already dirty diaper. Before I can even interrupt Claire for the second time, I hear, "Ewwwww..."

I dreaded walking into that bathroom...

His diaper is off, and to save you from the graphic nature of the scene, I will just say that there was crap... ahem... EVERYWHERE. On him, on the floor, on the rug.

"Eww, Yucky!"

I start wiping it up (keep in mind, Claire is screaming in the background because she's PISSED), and Adam hands me some toilet paper, points at the floor and says, "Go, Momma!" I take it and clean up what's in front of me...

"Good job, Momma!"

(Awww, thanks Adam. Funny how anytime anyone is doing anything your favorite phrase is "I DO IT!!!" I guess that only counts when that person is doing something cool, like cutting an apple or hammering on the floor or painting the walls. But I appreciate the encouragement).

I clean what I can and because he insists he still needs to potty, I let him stay while I go to Claire, who has given up on me and is refusing to eat, probably out of spite. Adam comes out of the bathroom naked. I tell him to go get his diaper on, and he says okay.

He comes out with both legs in one hole and the diaper pulled up past his belly button.

"Help, Momma?"

I go to help him and realize that there is . . . well, crap . . . still on him, so we just go for a bath. He cheerfully lets me bathe him and put him in his favorite robe.

So how did I handle this now that it was just barely noon and still 30 minutes until naptime? I broke all my rules. I put him in the recliner. I gave him the iPad, a pacifier, a sippy cup of milk, and turned up Ducktales. Then when it was naptime I let him take the iPad, which is usually not allowed. He fell asleep fast, which happens when you have a very busy morning.

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