Monday, December 24, 2012

The Real Santa!

On Saturday the 22nd we went on a Santa Hunt. Basically, I told Adam we were going to Mamie and Grandpa's house to say "hi" and then we'd go on a ride around town in search for Santa. He was onto me, I think, because he always replied:

"Yes. Go to Mamie and Grandpa's house. See Santa."

But when he met Santa he was a little star struck. He was in Mamie and Grandpa's room helping Claire get changed, and when he came back out, Santa was standing in the living room. Adam pointed, looked at Grandpa and went silent. Santa asked about Mamie and Grandpa's barking dog (who was in the backyard, and was not as pleased to see Santa). If there was ever a dog Adam knows the name of, it's Koko, but when Santa asked the barking dog's name, Adam froze: "Uhhh. Dog."

Adam ran out of the room and found a random Santa hat that he had seen elsewhere in Mamie's house and brought it back to Santa: "Santa, your hat!" Santa helped Adam put it on and then showed him how to stroke his Santa beard.

A little help from Santa with adjusting his hat.

Star Struck.

Stroking his beard...

...admiring Santa's beard...

Showing Claire how to stroke your beard...
...and now Claire strokes her beard...
Claire and Adam were already on Santa's lap when my mom came up and put Colin down. Colin didn't cry, but when he gets nervous his chin quivers. (Adam's chin quivered at that age too, but it was when he was excited). This time, Colin's whole face quivered. Claire immediate reached over to hug and comfort Colin, and he was okay (minus being unamused for the rest of the pictures). I just love the concern on Claire's face here as she comforts Colin. Human compassion starts at such a young age.

This one's a keeper. They aren't all looking in the same direction and they aren't all smiling, but you can see all of their eyes and no one is flat out crying. Success.

I guess Colin doesn't believe in Santa.

Claire and Mamie were very impressed to see Santa. Colin is unamused. I find this picture hilarious.

Do you think Claire looks like Mamie?

very sweet, huddled together.
Claire's happy to see Santa. Colin... well...
So Colin got a little alone time with Santa, and started to cheer up a little.

It was so wonderful to get to do that for them. And the pictures turned out better than I could ever have hoped.

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