Thursday, January 2, 2014

Colin's First Hair Trim

So I will admit I'm a little melodramatic about the first hair cut. It's as if we are chopping off the last bit of "baby" -- or if not the last bit, at least a very, very cute part of the baby-ness. And then we sweep it away, and the grow up faster and get more independent. It's just a stepping stone to them realizing they are big. Or maybe it's because I start to realize they are big.

Colin's hair was starting to become unmanageable though. After a wash we could comb it and it would fall perfectly in beautiful, bouncy, golden waves. After a nap, though, he turned into Doc Brown (Back to the Future reference), except in a tangly mess that was almost impossible to comb out. I gave in. I threw in the towel and I tried not to think about what I was doing. And then decided it was "just a trim!" Not a cut. No big deal.

It's always a big deal.

A couple of days ago. I love that goody grin.
preparing for "surgery" with a pre-haircut lollipop

the other problem is my living vicariously. If only I could have his hair.

I'm not sure what you're about to do to me but it better involve more lollipops.

I'm not scared.
I cut (and held back tears), but trust me, I'm no professional. The next time it will probably need someone who knows what they are doing.

I HATE MY BANGS! (No, actually he's saying "Daddy won't give me a third lollipop!")

He looks miserable, but mostly he was tired. And for whatever reason, after a hair cut they just look... older. More serious. I like crazy-haired Colin. It's a good thing hair grows back.

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