Sunday, October 17, 2010

20 Things that are Different. 7 Things the Same.

How my life has changed in the last 6 months (in no particular order):

1. The washer and dryer run every two days (instead of every two, sometimes three, weeks).
2. Our money goes to baby stuff more often than alcohol or home improvement.
3. I can't resist buying cute little baby clothes.
4. I'm much more aware of the amount of pet hair that infests the house.
5. I spend more time wondering what Adam will eat than I what I will.
6. 30 minutes of "free" time is like gold.
7. I can't sleep past 9:30am on the weekends (even when Shannon has everything under control).
8. Instead of looking forward to the end of the workday so I can have a beer, go to happy hour, or go home to watch TV, I look forward to picking up Adam and feeding him dinner.
9. Our DVR is full of unwatched shows.
10. Shannon and I resolve our differences much more quickly. There's no time for grudges.
11. I don't mind being thrown up on, pooped on, or getting slobbery kisses as much as I thought I would. (I would say as much as I used to mind it, but that would be weird)
12. The weekends are shorter.
13. Hangovers really are NOT WORTH IT.
14. I've been in a doctor's office more times than I can count.
15. I see my parents and sister much more often, and appreciate them so much more. (and miss my brother even more).
16. I see my friends less and cherish every second I get with them even more.
17. I have much more interesting things to talk about, but other people probably do not find those things as interesting as I do.

18. I take more pictures than I ever have before  - and hardly any of them are of myself.
19. I'm much more organized than I ever was before.
20. I love someone more than I love myself.

Things that are the same:

1. I do not define myself as "a mom".
2. The cats still beg for my attention.
3. Work is busy.
4. Money is tight.
5. My friends and family are awesome.
6. I love my husband.
7. My husband loves me.


Elissa said...

That is really a great post Erin. :-) Lots of things change with baby around huh? Just wait until you have another one.

Lisa said...

Oh man the pet hair!!! I get so mad when I see one on her paci or in her blankets! I will listen to you talk about babies anytime! :)

Anonymous said...

Nana Wants to See Her Grandson Adam So Bad!!