Saturday, April 9, 2011


Yesterday Adam woke up hoarse and coughing and I immediately called the pediatrician for an appointment. He had just been in on Tuesday and got a clean bill of health for his ear infections... on Thursday he finished his last dose of antibiotics, and on Friday he woke up with STREP and croup. We got more antibiotics, some steroids, and have been giving him Advil for his inflamed tonsils. I'm going to stop saying to myself "when Adam is healthy, we'll..." -- I think it's just jinxing us.

However, by Friday night you never would have thought that he was sick. He was smiling, walking (of course, he waited until Dad got home to practice so there would be a good audience), and only slightly had that croupy cough and hoarse voice. Since he got the strep while he was already on antibiotics, maybe it was a lesser strain. Or maybe he has the pain tolerance of a horse. Who knows. (All I know is I remember being miserable when I was younger and had strep.) Anyway, we've had a smiley, happy baby who is eating great and has no fever.

We set up Adam's baby pool because we wondered if the 91 degree weather today would be warm enough for him to enjoy some splashing around. I questioned whether it was smart to let him play in the water with him being sick, but it seemed to be warm enough and when I took him outside just to play around, he was immediately attracted to it and went right for it. I managed to get a swim diaper on him, but he couldn't bear to wait for me to put on his swim trunks and top.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I want a pool now too! It will be perfect for summer time! He is so cute and I loved the walking videos too!