Saturday, April 9, 2011


Adam is now able to take 9 or 10 steps at a time and is much more adventurous in attempting to walk from place to place. If he falls, he finishes the journey by crawling, but he'll try to walk first -- and most times he'll get about 6 steps in before gravity wins. Today he was even able to stand up on his own without needing a prop to help him up.

On Wednesday night, the day after Adam turned 11 months old and the exact day that he was 48 weeks old (yes, yes, I'm still counting the weeks. Only 4 more to go until he's 52 weeks. *sniffle*), Adam just turned and started walking across the living room floor and almost made it to the other side. Shannon and I were in shock, but when he hit the ground we cheered and clapped, and he turned around and giggled. He loves applause.

I've dubbed him "Bullet" since he can't do anything slowly. When he wants to get somewhere fast (usually towards someone), he will put his head down and crawl as fast as he can in a bee-line, wiggling his butt the entire way and squealing. My parents call him "Wiggle Butt". I think he'll be running by his first birthday.

Here he is with his dinosaur on Tuesday night:

Here are two videos of him walking today - these are short trips that he's making, not the best he can do but the best I could get:

Adam's legs are probably strong for walking because he's learned to CLIMB and has been climbing far longer than he has been walking. He will push his toys up to the coffee table or TV stand and use them as steps to get up on them. He can crawl onto the couch without a step, can crawl from the couch to the recliner and back like it's the easiest thing in the world, and is in the process of learning how to scale the back of the couch onto the windowsill. I swear someday I will walk into the room and see him standing on the windowsill.

If I'm able to catch video of him climbing (SAFELY), I will post it. He's elusive though.

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