Friday, February 1, 2013

Day to Day in January

I love my new camera. I love that I can take quality pictures that I can save and frame and share... but the truth is, I would have very little "real" memories documented if it weren't for my phone camera. I whip it out constantly and have trained the twins to grin when they see that red phone case. Don't judge.

So here are all the pictures from January that were in-the-moment and quickly little pieces from my day-to-day life with the kids (because even though there are 9 hours of the day that I'm working at my laptop, that's nothing worth taking pictures of).

These are out of order, but it doesn't really matter. They are all within the last 2-3 weeks.

the boys one morning.

Action shot.

Dinner time.

hugs from big brother.

Adam with his "Aquera." In his batman underwear.

"Move along. Nothing to see here."

Her big girl iced water.

What do you mean, the sock doesn't go in my mouth? (I've seen pictures of Shannon as a baby that suggest this is a genetic thing.)


Claire grew so fast (and is still growing) that we had to stop buying her clothes until she slows down -- she's borrowing some of Colin's clothes.

This is what happens when I dig for socks in the dark. Sorry about the pink, Colin.
Note from Daddy.
Watching big brother blow bubbles.

What? I needed the green cup too.

Playing with his batman figurines. "Are they fighting crime?" "Yeah, they are fighting the crying."

Colin at the doctor, flirting with a baby girl in the waiting room.

Baby Claire attack.


big "give-me-whatever-I-want" eyes from Colin.

Colin: "I don't know, what do you think, Claire?" Claire: "It seems risky. Let's do it."

Baby laughter times 2.

Pretty girl in the mirror.

Got caught licking cookie off her high chair.

Donut date one morning with Mom.

Do I know you?

Zoolander pose... it looks like it might be Blue Steel. A little Saturday morning attitude from Claire.

Took a bath and got to play with Adam. Best morning for Colin ever.

he was sick with 102 degree fever but was still patroling the playroom.

Cuddling with a sleepy Claire.

Waiting for his prescription after discovering he has the flu and an ear infection.

"I don't need to nap."

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