Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Spaghetti Time

I think there are a few requirements for all babies. One of those is you have to have a bath in the sink. You just have to. One of those is, if you have siblings close in age, you have to have community bath time pictures. And then everyone has to have the classic spaghetti face pictures.

Colin and Claire are already feeding themselves table foods and Colin is even refusing to be spoon fed sometimes, and as punishment for any attempts you get his pureed food spit all over you, and then giggles. It's cute and slump-your-shoulders frustrating all at the same time. I have been told that they are eating table foods a little earlier than other babies their age, and I think that is a result of a few things. 1) They are twins, and I've heard that twins develop faster in many cases. 2) They have a big (ambitious) brother who is only two years older than them, and they desperately want to keep up. 3) They are not the first child, so we are probably less cautious. I've done the finger sweep to stop choking so often now that I kinda throw stuff on their plate and stand back and watch, ready to casually sweep in and help them figure it out. Ironically, I have not had to dislodge any unchewed food from either of their mouths so far. They have figured out how to maneuver themselves out of those situations and then Shannon or I just say, "chew your food!" as if they have any idea what we're saying. 4) Because there are so many little ones to take care of, and because baby food is expensive, and because they are eager to learn, we have pushed them a little faster just for survival reasons because there are only so many hours in the day and everyone's gotta eat. 5) We have a nanny with lots of experience with babies their age and we trust her to feed them what they can handle.

With all of those things combined, they are 8 and a half months old and eating table foods, where as I'm hearing that at about 10 - 11 months is when most babies really get going. Oh well. That's not the only way they are ambitious, because Claire is crawling, Colin isn't far off, and both of them pulled themselves up today. We're doomed.

Also, even though my life became six thousand times better once we got our nanny, the time is coming for the twins to be enrolled in daycare. The timing was right for our nanny to move on to the next steps in her life, and the twins will be ready in the next month or so to get into a daycare and do some socializing and interacting with others. Plus, I'm pretty sure Colin is bored with the sight of our living room because sometimes he cries when you walk in. It's typical of my children to be anxious to meet new people, see new things, and flirt with as many human beings as possible. I honestly don't know where they get it.

So... in mid April we will be going through another adjustment period, and then Adam will turn three, and then shortly after that the twins will be one. But for right now, I took pictures of my 8 and a half month olds eating spaghetti for the first time, and am happy that they enjoyed it and that I was smart enough to cook it last night so it would be ready for them when I got home from work today.

(Side note: Adam hates spaghetti. He also hates pizza, chocolate, and ravioli. So Adam was made mac and cheese and green beans for dinner, which he also barely ate. Two year olds.... am I right?)

Enjoy the ride...
Before dinner.

Adam's pre-dinner entertainment.
Colin approved the spaghetti menu, and even begged for seconds.

Seriously, with the camera again?

Claire was a little more discerning...


I think I like the green beans more, Mom. Just saying.

 But seriously, Colin was as happy as he could be...
more please.

Spaghetti Success.

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