Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lightbulb Moment

This morning Adam wanted to color instead of getting ready for school. His way of convincing me was to name all the colors, but when that didn't get him what he was hoping for, he starting naming the colors in Spanish.  His cleverness inspired me to adopt a motto for the day: "When your message isn't getting across, use different words and don't give up." (We'll see if I actually put it to good use tomorrow, because today it didn't work out so well.)
Tonight, the light in Adam's room burned out. He ran to tell Dad, and threw his hands to his cheeks and said, "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!" And then promptly said, "I'll fix it!"
He grabbed his stool (tootles) and went to the junk drawer for a screwdriver and ran back to his room with both to fix the light.
He was so engrossed in fixing the light at the light switch with the screwdriver that he didn't notice Dad replacing the light bulb, and when the light came on, he was so thrilled that he "did" it.


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