Saturday, April 13, 2013

Being a Superhero.

I was reminded today that in our daily chores, where being a parent doesn't really mean you get a "weekend," only days not at work to do more that is required of you while trying to squeeze in the great little moments with family, we don't have to go to the safari park, or the zoo, or take pictures in the bluebonnets or even have a picnic to enjoy our time together.

I was reminded that being a parent means surviving, and in "quality" time means that you're mowing the lawn or just cooking dinner, it doesn't have to equal time wasted. I also rediscovered the beauty in being a superhero who doesn't wear a cape.
Little Columbus and Little Magellan are inches from discovering the alternate exit that Adam so dearly relied upon.

Shannon had to mow the lawn today. I took some pictures to capture how it feels to be a kid, from the kid point-of-view, to watch your Daddy mow the lawn.

Adam begged me to go out with him, because he was afraid of the noise of the lawn mower. But once we got outside, his fear quickly subsided and he jumped in to help Dad. I have to say, that after a horrible week at work, this adjusted my attitude on life. Such a small, simple thing... but it means so much.

Adam saw Shannon wipe the sweat from his head, and was mimicking.


Trying out Daddy's mower...

At one point, Shannon looked at Adam and said, "I'm getting tired." Adam said, "I'm getting tired, too."

He took a little break to just watch.

But he jumped back in to help soon.

 Yard Mowed. Check. Quality Time. Check. Priority and Attitude Adjustment for Mom... Check.

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