Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First Christmas Number 1

This past weekend we went to Shreveport to visit with Shannon's family for Christmas at Mike and Debbie's, Shannon's neice's grandparents. It was fun and exhausting, but a good ending to my entire week off last week, in which I cleaned, shopped, napped, went to Costco, went to the grocery store, etc, etc. . . .

Adam has realized that he can move around whenever he wants and while he's improving his crawling speed, he wants to walk. He wants to walk BAD. I should stamp "What's Next??" on his forehead because that's all he's thinking.  And while I was home with him, I did not entertain or burn enough energy to keep him on schedule. He was refusing bottles left and right, refusing to sleep, refusing to sit on the floor by himself. I should just call last week "Refusal Week."

We drove to Shreveport Friday night and stayed at The Courtyard. We took the pack n' play for Adam, and he slept in it about half the time. The other half he spent in the king-size bed, being cuddly and sweet. It was actually kind of ironic that while I had him all to myself last week, for the first time it actually felt like a vacation in that hotel room, where he wanted to play with me and I had nothing else on my mind but to play with him. I wasn't rushing to work, rushing to clean, fold laundry, make a bottle or heat up baby food, change a diaper or run an errand. I had nothing to do but play with him, and nothing on my mind but how to make him giggle. I just needed 2 hours of that.

On Saturday we drove over to the house and Adam played all day (with a long nap in the morning and a short nap in the afternoon) with his cousins, visited every person at least once, and passed around smiles all day. He enjoyed opening presents mostly because he could bang on the boxes, and he just couldn't keep his eyes open any longer at about 8 o'clock. Then he fell asleep in my lap.


Adam and his cousin Caden

We drove back to Dallas on Sunday and had to pull over half-way home to change a leaky diaper, and discovered that the extra clothes were buried deeply in the trunk and the sweatshirt was too warm to wear in the car. So he went shirtless the rest of the way home.

Yesterday we had a scare with a diaper that was very red, almost like blood. We called the pediatrician and got a 2:30pm appointment. When we got there they saw us right away and rushed around trying to figure out what it was . . . I told them I wasn't even sure it was blood, but that he hadn't eaten anything even close to the color red. Turns out, it wasn't blood. It's either dye (I have no idea where that would come from), or from the antibiotics he was taking (which was my first hunch).

We felt kinda stupid but at least we know for sure. I wasn't panicking at all, and I should have known when I had this face looking at me right before the appointment!

Last night Adam tried meatloaf and LOVED it. I put some small bites on his plate and he actually chewed and swallowed, and grinned ear-to-ear. He screeched happily for more. I also gave him a little bite of mashed potatoes and he made his typical "gross" face.

When I was finished with my dinner he held his mouth open as I walked by him with my plate. Real subtle.

Then he opened his Christmas present from "Aunt" Sarah. He loved the red penguin box the best, and I liked the clothes. I have some pictures and video. He wasn't really in the mood for a Christmas bow on the head, as you can see. I need to stop torturing him I guess.

1 comment:

Delia said...

So cute! We had the red poop once with an antibiotic. Scary if you don't know to expect it.