Monday, September 5, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Adam is getting a new tooth (hooray!) on the top. He doesn't complain about it much though. He is also figuring out that he can climb out of his crib. I knew this day would come, and I knew it would come sooner than I had hoped... but I think we are inches from having to convert his crib to the toddler bed. I am not ready. It's not that I am in love with the crib or anything... it's that we have a hard enough time getting this kid to sit still anywhere, let alone in bed... especially now that he has decided that going to bed is way uncool.

So on Sunday, we lounged and enjoyed just sitting together.

His new seat, I guess.

Adam hanging in the yard with his dog and his trusty pen.

What is she chewing on?

My future writer love pens.

Sugar Free Popsicle.

He loved the popsicle. LOVED it. When I threw away the stick he screamed. But all of his pictures look like he wasn't very happy.

After a bath, and a dinner of hot dogs, baked beans, pears and asparagus (the asparagus was untouched, but he had two hot dogs), we lounged some more. He climbed into my lap and would turn my head to the side so he could stick his cheek right up against mine and giggle. Then he'd turn my head the other way and stick his opposite cheek up next to mine. I love his new little "hugs."

I wish every weekend was a 4 day weekend.

1 comment:

Elissa said...

Love the last picture with popsicle face. So cute. :-) He is such a grown up. LOL. I cannot believe he and Abbie are a week apart. I mean, I know she has delays, but seriously...he is growing up too fast! What a handsome little guy he is though.