Sunday, November 4, 2012

On a Saturday.

Just a few pictures of the boys playing in the sun room Saturday morning.

Adam is pushing Colin around to give him a boost. Colin seemed to like it.
I don't know why, but I love this picture. I shouldn't like it as much as I do - Adam's eyes are closed, Shannon and Caley are wandering around in the background, and I've cut off Colin's hands... but there's something very honest about it that I love.

Quick break to see how hot it is.

Adam is trying to pull Colin with his toy fishing pole.

Dad put batteries in the best part of this walker. Adam REALLY wishes he still fit in it.

Checking it out on his own.

While they played, Claire napped.

 Then she and I got some quality time together in the fun walker while they all slept later in the afternoon.

 And then after her lunch, she and I chatted while I folded clothes.

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