Monday, July 22, 2013

The Colin Show

This weekend, "pool time," was really The Colin Show. Two years later, in a different daycare, with different teachers, Colin has also been dubbed "a little Ham." He and Adam have completely opposite dispositions but they are alike in these ways: Charm, Ornery, and "Hams."

I don't know what happened, but it doesn't look like he liked it much.

When I looked at this picture, I realized... they are not babies anymore. Well, they are... but they fall in the toddler category, which in our family means opinionated and bossy.

...but still cute...

Look out Claire.

Water makes him happier than anything in the world.

Sorry Adam, when you play wrestle mania in the pool, they are bound to shriek in terror when you just want to cozy up for a quick picture.

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