Sunday, December 21, 2014

My little beauty

I only stop to write this down briefly because I feel i'll forget. In fact, I know I will and I don't want to.

Tonight Claire, at just barely 2.5, is completely potty trained and insisting that she doesn't need a diaper at night either. So tonight I appeased her, going with HER gut instinct.

She woke up at 2:30 am, crying, but dry, so I took her to the potty and she went, then insisted she stayed in our bed. Since she has a knack with her, "please, OH, PLEASE?" I let her. It's normal right now for her.

She dosed for five minutes then woke up again, wide awake. She grinned widely at me, and told me she was hungry. She told me she wanted frets-els (pretzels). I told her we didn't have any at all and she said...
"They are at the store."
"I'm not going to the store right now, baby girl."
"They are at the store!"

I got her some apple slices and some milk..." Because I believe her that she's hungry. She's a 2 year old girl wearing 4-5 year old clothes and is even having issues with some of the 5 year old tops. So in children's clothes, she's sometimes needing 6 year old stuff. No doubt she's hungry.

While she smacked she talked about what color everyone's eyes were in the family. Their hair color. That she's a pirate. That daddy stole her baaas today, and asked if I needed hers then asked why I didn't need one to sleep. And we grinned at each other and talked until she fell back asleep. As she drifted off, Adam woke up needing comforting so I rubbed his back a while before going back to her.

And I watched her little flowers on her night gown go up and down as I watched her fall asleep, and realized how absolutely lucky I am to have this time with her. She absolutely glowed with... Beauty. 

And I don't like to think that I ever miss these moments while they grow up, and I watched her sleep for a few minutes in our bed, with her blankie, piggie, a little loaner Carebear I gave her of mine (until santa comes), in our bed. And I know this time goes by way too quickly.

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