Friday, March 8, 2013

All Boy

Yesterday I got a text from Adam's teacher.

"Adam was tackled by another child today and he literally flipped the other child over and pinned him face down... it was... HILARIOUS! I was laughing so hard because the other child would get up to push him and Adam would maneuver his way to pin him again... too funny."

This reminds me of "fights" with my brother when we were younger and I would try to attack him and he would basically only hold me at bay and pin me down. It's incredibly frustrating and entirely effective, and I'm certain no one taught Adam these tricks... so it must be genetic. Shannon seems like the type to dodge and pin too, although I've never planned or attempted an attack on Shannon.

Adam is loving, sweet, and kind. He asks everyone if they are okay if they have a little cough, and he asks me when I sneeze if I need medicine. I hear he is the little care taker at school too, and he is also our baby translator...

"Adam, what's wrong with Colin? Why is he crying?"
"He's sad. He wants Daddy to hold him."

"Adam, why is Claire mad?"
"Claire is sleepy. She wants a nap."

Typically, he's exactly right. When in doubt, follow Adam's baby-care instructions.

However, he's "all boy" too. Mr. Handy-Man, Mr. Dirt and Wrestling Champion.

There's nothing like being two and hanging out on a nice day with a popsicle in the bed of Daddy's truck (in his favorite shirt).

Proud of his dirty feet.

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